
I sorry, but I don’t see how my buddies head-cheese in my beer is going to enhance my black-out.

Why are you so butt-hurt? Did you ask Taylor out and she turned out down?

“If there’s anything even remotely good to say about Donald Trump, it’s that he hasn’t allowed his political success to change him.”

It is funny how we don’t learn the technicalities of English grammar until we learn a foreign language.

The government is effectively just one more corporation. In fact, it is the biggest corporation of the bunch. It has no soul. It is not good or evil. The big difference is that the government is not responding to the profit motive. It has a different set of incentives, most of which come down to its own

I suspect that I am quite a ways away from you on the political spectrum. I am very much a free-markets person. Nonetheless, what you say is accurate. Corporations are neither good nor evil, they just are.

I have scientifically tested the Twinkie myth. Well really I made a bet with my co-workers, that if I kept a Twinkie if my desk drawer, within 3 months it will be noticeably stale.

I ran an experiment. I spent 3 weeks without Elon Musk. I didn’t read any articles about him, or use any of the products or services from any of his companies, and my life ran quite smoothly in his absence.

That is a huge misunderstanding in the whole healthcare debate. Health insurance isn’t really insurance at all.

Following the crusade of Frederic Wertham (seduction of the innocent), sales of all genres of comics fell precipitously. The introduction of the comics code led to everything in the medium becoming quite sterilized.

It is “practical” in that it does not have pronounced boobs.

One more wrinkle, when the Government started reporting on time performance, and punishing those that missed their numbers, the Airlines reaction was to increase the scheduled flight times. There were too many variables outside of the airlines control, and if they were going to be held accountable for those, then

How about an English actor playing an Indian character first portrayed by a Spanish actor.

And a soft g in gigawatt. (like gigantic)

The electrical generator is a long e magnEEto.

What as been seen cannot be unseen.

I am going to Wyoming. Going in the late summer. Beautiful country.

I have been pretty seriously mistreated by Air France. (Not that I haven’t been mistreated by the US carriers, too.)

My experience is that the discount carriers give better service than the majors.