
I blame the internet.

There is a whole lot of missing information here.

Oddibe “Young Again” McDowell.

.272 carrer BA. Didn’t strike out much. No pop.

As Union membership is at a 70 year low, it suggests that the unions are doing at least as bad of a job as the government at protecting workers rights.

Why does it seem like this is a case of “we do it this way because we have always done it this way.”

You don’t think your carpeted interior isn’t just as dirty? The dirt just hides better in the carpet.

Seeing as the most conservative member of the court just died. It takes 2 appointments to move the needle to the right, and 4 appointments to get us to the bad old days of 2008.

If you get cut, why should you get paid?

I am not very good at identifying the gender of things that are not my species.

It is the 2nd one that I think is unwatchable. Too much shaky-cam to see the action.

“Why are young men struggling to find good work?”

I have used body lotion in lieu of hair gel.

Why is Charlotte the 49ers? Was there a great migration to North Carolina in ‘49, that I didn’t learn about in history class?

I am not giving up on XP! I have a vintage PC, running XP and a newer laptop running X. (and 7 in the office)

Hey, I think my states Football coach makes more than the basketball coach. But here it says the other way around.

I don’t know about your analysis. It was a big hairy mess starting with the first hop.

My roommate did this to me. I just took the bed of the lady he was entertaining. Not a big deal.

Women is a plural noun.

What do you do when you need to take a leak.? I really don’t want to ask my friends to help zip me up.