I have little problem drinking only two drinks at a party when I only want two drinks. But sometimes I show up and I want 4 (or more).
I have little problem drinking only two drinks at a party when I only want two drinks. But sometimes I show up and I want 4 (or more).
Terry Brashaw?
Why would you outlaw Smoothiekings hobbies? That is just mean.
While everything you say is correct, the downside of this proportional representation, is that you don’t get to choose your own representative. You vote for which party boss should choose your representative. And I suspect that this nuance would be repellent to most Americans.
Green and pro-limited government.... that is an unusual combination.
The mathematics of the US system is highly biased toward 2 party hegemony. Other systems give more power to 3rd parties as they become necessary coalition partners.
What about your homeopath?
I am not sure which offends me more. The implication that politicians votes are for sale. Or that the price is so low.
Odd thing is that there really isn’t any world-building necessary. We’ve got Orcs vs Humans, wizards and warriors. We know this world already. It has all been ripped off from the people who ripped it off from Tolkien. It is the stuff of 100,000 D&D campaigns. The rest is trim.
$300 for the food, $300 for the wine, and $100 tip.
Indivisible? Does that mean that you can’t share your beer with your son any more?
‘scuse me while I kiss this guy.
“The first two stories featuring T’Challa beg the question: what were Stan and Jack trying to accomplish when they created the Black Panther?”
okay, then what is a cartoon?
Actually no. An infield fly, the batter is out, but the runners can advance at their own risk. So, to turn the double play, a tag was necessary. Had Wright caught the ball, a throw to 1st would have sufficed.
That I my problem! I have always gone for the toughest mascot.
I never cared for Eartha Kitt’s Catwoman. Too much purring.
How about about when Zulu does it?
I can’t say that I had anything to do with Poke’mon, but the one episode of the cartoon I remember watching, the villain says something to along the of, pokemon exist solely for our entertainment, and Ash tries to convince him otherwise. And I said do myself but the bad guy is right here.
It is where the left hand goes, for a right handed person.