
Can we please hear how much of the current CPS budget goes into pensions for retired employees? Pensions have been notoriously underfunded through the years and current tax dollars have to be spent to support payments that do nothing to improve the quality of education for today’s students, but are legally required.

And give the best actress Oscar to Cate Blanchett instead of Gwyneth Paltrow

Only if we can go back in time and take the Oscar from Shakespeare in Love and give it to Saving Private Ryan.

Shawshank is a great movie, but Pulp Fiction and Forest Gump are also great, memorable movies. If you want to take back an Oscar, take it from Shakespeare in Love and give it to Saving Private Ryan.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Yeah it seems like it would genuinely help out a lot of people — and don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE dumping on Ivanka. I really do.

We are a one income household and have been for 5 years. I’m a relatively low earner and the average $1600/month childcare plus transportation costs would have consumed almost all of my salary. I would have been so happy to benefit from a plan like this

Why do you think it’s a bad idea simply because it helps at least some people (who aren’t poor)?

Yeah like I pay daycare, I’m in the middle class, and I only got a 600 dollar tax benefits out of 11k spent in childcare.

I think they’re using the term “rich” extremely liberally

I’m not gonna say what Ivanka did was great but it’ll probably benefit high earning women which isn’t a bad thing right? Or what am I missing?

Yes, by deleting it. Start with: Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.

Their goal was to raise $20k in a month; it took three hours. That was pretty incredible. They’re saying any future funds raised will be donated to Jewish charities to deal with any other potential events. A wonderful, open gesture of caring from one threatened community to another.

Anyway, you’ll have people claim that someone’s orthodoxy is as valid as they choose it to be—namely, if you say you’re orthodox then you are. In a way, they’d be right.

Bomb threats to JCC’s nationwide are reaching near 100 incidents since January. They frequently are sites with preschools, which then need to be evacuated for several hours. Nothing has happened thus far , but I cannot imagine the lingering fear that parents experience sending their kids there after an event like this.

But again, I think it’s incredibly condescending to suggest — and forgive me if I’m mistaking your intent — that women do what they do, make the choices they make, because “society says so.” I don’t really care what institutional statistics say. I know my own circumstances, and I’m not so nihilistic to think that

The importance of many things shift away from their original purpose, and I think that marriage is one of those things (in the United States and plenty of other places, as well). Even in my conservative area, I don’t know anyone who entered into marriage as a way to officially become subject to their husband’s

As a woman, honestly I don’t feel like it’s “oppressive.” I am where I am, my circumstances are what they are through my own choices. Is it hard at times? Do I want to kick my husband in the balls for far less egregious offenses? Do I experience a “Calgon, take me away” moment every so often with my kids? ABSOLUTELY.

I think that paints a cynical view...not entirely inaccurate, but I don’t view my marriage as being foisted upon me by oppressive tradition. I got married because I found a man that I love, respect, and am of the belief that these feelings are reciprocal. I’m not his property as a human being, nor is he mine...but

Don’t whisper it, shout it. People like Kate because she’s pretty. That’s it. There is literally no other reason to like her. That’s very shallow.