
And no obnoxious shouted countdowns, needlessly barbed criticism of the individual cook, or falsely protracted “elimination ceremonies!” What is this sorcery?!

*shrug* I didn’t create 2000 year old cultural ideals. Sorry.

You might not be able to get your dream job now? It’s almost like actions have consequences!

‘life without parole’ only exists for murder in the UK and has only been issued 84 times in our history. However this man will not leave prison. No parole board will set him free, they legally couldn’t.

He will never leave jail. He will be considered for parole in 25 years and promptly rejected. Parole boards in the UK have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the offender doesn’t pose a threat to the public before someone on one life tariff is set free, let alone 22 like this. The 25 years is a quirk of UK law, he

Sadly, animal heaven is just a zoo in human heaven.

So that’s what hookers are for!

Is that like what Hillary is accused of?

I’ve long said that no one will mistreat you faster/more deeply/more thoroughly than family will; If working at a business that touts it “family” nature... the boss wants everyone to be “family”... just means that they want to treat you like family (ie badly). Do not walk away ... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.

Avoid family companies like the goddamned plague.

Saying “I found a place that will pay me more” doesn’t tend to rankle any feathers. I’ve said it twice, and both times I was heartily congratulated. If anything, it made the interview more neutral since we could pretend that it was just about money.

In fact, I’d only possibly out salary structure to help my former co-workers (maybe?), and dodge or outright lie about the rest. You won’t accomplish anything from shit talking your boss or the company. It is all risk and no reward, beyond blowing off steam. As a functional adult, you should ignore these impulses and

Corp America companies don’t do exit interviews often anymore. You have to be at a high level for them to even care about the reasons why you leave.If you want to give constructive feedback, then type up a physical letter, and get it to your Sr Sr manager, anonomysly. Do this way before you quit so it doesn’t look

I always wondered, are exit interviews only done in larger places, with more formal HR departments? I’ve left jobs at a few smaller places (one had over 200 people), and I really wanted to give an exit interview to give them some ideas on how to improve the role and so forth. The only thing that would even be

DO NOT DECLINE THE EXIT INTERVIEW. As a team manager, I can tell you it’s a terrible look and will be recorded on your file. Just go, keep it brief and positive. Really not that hard for a mature professional.

This. Exit interviews are for the company to make themselves feel good and to make sure there isn’t some sort of lawsuit coming. The company isn’t going to have some moment of clarity because you quit and change how it does everything just because you pointed out all its faults in an exit interview.

These things are bullshit because nobody can say “I deserve more pay and you guys are a bunch of assholes” without burning every known bridge, no matter how diplomatically you try to say it. I never had an exit interview; I just...crept out after my two weeks’ notice and took my remaining vacation and vanished. They

I hope people read these comments. Decline the exit interview or keep it curt and positive. You never know when you meet someone again. Play the long game, not the short gratification. If they wanted to fix it, it would have happened while you work there.

Fuck the British Royal Family

The queen, right? Lady on the street and a freak in the sheets.