
The best argument for Jamie Oliver's food is that Gordon Ramsey hates him.

A lot of anti-union gripes are dogwhistle horseshit, but there are some genuine problems in the building trades with requiring pointless labor. There are some truly egregious examples, like requiring a steamfitter be present during the use of certain machinery which once was—but for decades has not been—steam

Where do you think 'safety rules' come from, though? They're just as capable as anything else of being abused.

Bathrooms aren't THAT big. If it weren't for unions, they could probably have 20 people work one night and have the whole thing reno'd in one shot. I've seen what they do on HGTV with just 5 people!

Check my privilege? Ha! I live down the street from this in east Cleveland. I have no privilege to check, nor does my husband who suffers with teaching high-schoolers all day.

Welfare literally covers all of that for free, and public busing covers the rest. I had to walk almost a mile to get to my bus stop, and my mother made damn sure I was there every day. From your response and that of many others, "personal accountability"is lacking or missing completely.

Yeah obviously the teachers are the ones who failed this kid not his mom, we should have them stay all summer and teach without getting paid to make up for it.

Is it just me, or does John Travolta increasingly resemble a 1980's cartoon villain? He's like Gargamel with hair.

As some one who works in IT, that sticky note was definitely from some one from IT.

I thought they were nuts when they bought iPads for every high school kid in the district to take home. They managed to find new ways to surprise me.

Maybe LAUSD perceives a military threat from the Beverly Hills Unified School District

My parents had the "we won't make our kids eat anything they don't want to approach," and I fucking hate them for it because now I have the eating habits of a 7 year old. I'm the worst :(

Have you ever considered that sometimes, people NEED to travel with infants? Like if there's a family emergency and you can't get a sitter at a moments notice? Do you live in a world where travel is exclusively for pleasure? If so, good for you, but other folks sometimes NEED to travel. On airplanes.

"why are you going to burden them with a newborn" —Because GM and GP want to see the newborn.

yeah, how dare a family travel by air? That's some outrageous stuff. Write your congressman immediately about it.

What a sense of entitlement you have. Do you think the whole Air Travel industry was made to serve you alone?

No not really. Babies, besides take off and landing when should have a bottle to equalize ear pressure, are pretty much oblivious. I find a 1-2 year old a lot more challenging. And without getting into specifics, no you can't always throw grandma on a plane, nor can you fly a couple dozen other family and close

Yeah, fuck those parents and their infant because they dare travel at your inconvenience! What's next, parents wanting to feed their kids in public? Fucking assholes!