
so...if I leave my kids in th car on a hot summer day, I can make over $100,000? Yes, it should have been a lost of custody, not a total loss, but a loss as a lesson. Those kids could have died.

You get leaving an infant and a 2-year old in a 100 degree car for close to an hour?

A car in direct sunlight with the windows cracked gets dangerously hot. Children have died in similar circumstances. Her poverty doesn't make the situation any less dangerous. Does she deserve to have her children taken away? Probably not. Did she face some difficult choices? No doubt. But what she did is

I dunno, thinking that "car on a hot day" is an alternative seems like a pretty big failure to me.

So she should have only got in trouble if someone hadn't come along and the police didn't get them out? Are you freaking kidding me?

Yea, good thing no one asked me. Or else I would have told them that this is a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project.

Kind of a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project if you ask me.

I'm not even trolling(Quick aside. Just because you don't agree with an argument, doesn't make it trolling). To act as though she isn't responsible for her decision is absolutely ridiculous. Do I think she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? No. But she definitely should have been arrested. Christ

So Shanesha Taylor didn't make the decision to leave her kids in the car?

I think they're kind of a big deal. Many of these women are super famous and have legions of adoring horndog fans who spend lots of their free time fantasizing about how they look naked anyway.

the whole point of the video AND song is that it doesn't matter how well you dance. Just that you are having fun and doing you. Don't be the person standing against the wall judging another person and making fun of their dancing.

Kinda both. She can't dance, and she knows it. Who cares? I mean, if she talked about how awesome of a dancer she was, I could get the dislike, but she knows she can't dance, makes fun of herself for not being able to dance, and isn't letting that stop her from her fun in both the music video and the VMAs. She's not

i liked it. And I like Taylor swift. I don't get the hate.

what a class act this girl has going on. taylor, you are amazing, graceful,and a pleasure to watch!

You do realize that she *knows* she can't dance, right? The entire point of the "Shake it off" video was to make fun of herself by comparing her own "dancing" to a professionals form various genres.

The girl can't win. She has some tweaking in her video and she's racist, she does some minimal 60's style dancing and she's a rhythm-less white person. it doesn't look like flailing to me. It's just not intricate choreography, because she's not a dancer.

This performance is actually the cutest. I'm smiling so hard right now!

I hate myself for saying it but I thought it was cute. A vast improvement over that Miley Cyrus/Robin Thicke abomination from last year.

But it's kind of refreshing too that we can have a hugely popular female celebrity that isn't automatically a sex symbol.

They are firing them at ISIS, or ISIL, or whatever they are called this week. ISIS are not their own people. They are the same pieces of stone-age human shit that are committing atrocities and genocide, killing Christians and other Muslims of different sects in Syria and Iraq. A great many of them aren't even from