So let me get this straight:
So let me get this straight:
This view would change... if the neighborhoods being destroyed weren't their own. A lack of access to viable work options and community business is already a problem, and then an opportunistic mob robs, loots and vandalizes businesses in their own neighborhood. Anger is understandable but a minority group overshadows…
Why does NOBODY ever mention WHAT DREAMS MAY COME, his greatest film?
That movie made me fucking cry like a baby. Between the performances of both DeNiro and Williams, it was just too much.
Awakenings. His role in that deserves more love.
One Hour Photo. Oh my God. I saw that in the theater. One of the most chilling and sad performances ever.
Awakenings was one of his best too.
No, just fuck cyclists who blow through stop signs in front of me. Traffic laws apply to you too, fuckwits.
Only those who blatantly disregard the law and put themselves at risk.
The biggest issue I have with bikes is simple: they take advantage of acting like cars when it benefits them, and don't when it doesn't. Legally (up here in MN, at least) if they are in the road they should behave like a motor vehicle. That tends to be treated as a helpful suggestion for them rather than the…
I ride the same way. It's too bad most cyclists seem to revel in holding traffic up.
I mean, in fairness, whenever I drive to work in the morning (in the DC area) there are often multiple bikers on the road, riding parallel to a designated bike path which mirrors the road.
I do triathlons and I hate cyclists. I swear when I'm training on my bike I'm constantly paying attention to where I am and how fast I'm going so I can avoid being "that guy" while riding. There is nothing worse than being stuck behind some asshole cyclist who is in the middle of the road going 20mph. Cyclists want to…
This proves you hold Israel to a higher moral standard than Hamas, so you actually agree who the bad guy is. Hamas can stop it by not being sub human fucking assholes.
Must we take sides? Yes, but we are only allowed to take the side Deadspin wants us to.
That's my main point. Hate rules the day in this conflict. I'm not going to rationalize either sides actions because there is no right. There is no side for me and I feel sorrow for those who have lost.
hamas doesn't target civilians? GTFOOH. they fire rockets from next to hospitals. they have been caught 3 times hiding rockets in UN schools. and 160 kids died building their tunnels. yeah, they totally care about the average civilian. they spent 100 million building tunnels into israel under schools and kibbutzes,…
anyone who thinks it was tragic that innocent civilians died when we dropped 2 a-bombs on japan is a liar b/c we're also glad it ended ww2? grow up dude.
Israel's reactions are always heavy handed, Netanyahu is a dick in his own right, but the cause of his actions I would not say are immoral. Hamas is immoral, their intentions are immoral. Their goal as we stand today is immoral.