Most states require coffins. But a plain pine box isn’t that much.
Most states require coffins. But a plain pine box isn’t that much.
The kid is riding a lion, with limo and porsche play-cars at his feet. You can’t make this up.
I feel like this thread is going off the rails. Wearing pink or wanting to having longer hair and being more feminine is not “transgender”. I think forcing a child to choose this definitive path instead of being more relaxed about social and gender norms is forcing a child to make decisions they know nothing about. …
I’m going to call bullshit on the fact that you “knew you weren’t straight” at 4 years old. Sexual preference is nowhere on their radar until a child ages, and I’m really tired of phrasing the discussion this way. Being gay is inborn, but it’s not realized at freaking four.
Everyone always has this “hot take”, like they’re the first person to think of it. As someone who has tried to adopt, it’s not easy. The U.S. has an incredible amount of legal and financial hurdles to adopting outside the US, and in the US, there are virtually no infants available.
Right. Exactly my problem with the article, and not just the part where they have no proven methods for this.
Get a green burial. Then you’re food for the environment.
You have it completely backwards. Insurance companies are the biggest losers in keeping the sick alive. They want to insure the healthy, only. Why do you think assisted suicide is suddenly on the table? Profits go up.
Not only do I have a lot of friends who are physicians, but I also went to medical school. By and large, the medical community has evolved to sneer at and disparage the elderly and those that are terminal for “gobbling funds”. I can’t tell you how many conversations I was privy to about how getting chemo was…
How can i find this two part Easter Special?
I just started watching season 6 on YouTube. Is that what you mean? For me, my favorite season was the one where Nancy won.
If only it were that simple. Already the elderly are being told that they’re draining the system and they’re too expensive. The more the option of assisted suicide becomes accepted, the more health care officials and family members will subtly push the elderly and infirm in that general direction.
See, comments like yours are why I can’t fully support assisted suicide. Because at some point, it becomes a judgement on who SHOULDN’T be alive.
Insurance companies don’t, and they have more power than all the others you just mentioned.
I’m late to the party but one thing that truly bothers me, along these lines, are DAN doctors. Snake oil salesmen. I’m ashamed to say my husband overrode me and took my son to one of these places (not DAN, possibly, but some clinic along those lines) and bought a ton of vitamin powders and drinks that are supposed to…
What? Is that in the new book, because there’s absolutely nothing about Gonagall and her past.
Isn’t there, though? They discussed this during the career counseling, where Harry is informed he has to complete a lot more years of school to become an Auror.
That would have been really cool.
Maybe some kids are just born bad, and so the point of Slytherin is to train them to use their powers for good. Like Dexter. And to segregate them so that everyone can be wary of them. I think quite a few schools could do with a house like Slytherin, so teachers aren’t mystified when Brittany on the cheerleader team…