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    Lot’s response to the townspeople of Sodom was to give them one of his own possessions - his daughter. Not because of his “house’s honor and future”, but because he diametrically opposed Sodom’s worldview of guests. You can see my comment to someone else about this, but Sodom felt that guests were takers, which

    Yes and no. Lot and S&G was a specific morality tale. Sodom and Gemorrah had a certain worldview, and interestingly enough, that worldview was about complete justice. They were fatalistic, very GOP in their musings, believing that they deserved all their fortune and felt that giving any of their own property to others

    one of them is that using the rape and murder of women to provide motivation for men is a standard trope, while using the rape and murder of men to provide motivation for anyone is vanishingly rare.

    I don’t understand how a feminist lens and this particular bible story (are we talking about Lot here?) can’t meld together. I’ve always found it fascinating that the Bible - where so many feel is archaic and obsolete - seemed more inclined to punish men for rape than our current justice system does. I never saw a

    You raise some interesting points, but you raise them in the context of 2016. Just a century ago, was male rape even on anyone’s radar? Was anyone prosecuted for such a thing? It took time in the digital age just to realize that male rape could even HAPPEN, let alone that it wasn’t a shameful thing to hide away from

    Actually, I always point to these two stories (the death of the concubine and the death of Lot’s daughter) as an indication that the Torah values women. Sodom and Gemorrah had been behaving with impunity for years, and yet the Gemara states the final straw in God’s eyes was the fact that they raped and killed Lot’s

    I think people are confusing two different stories here. The one in the book of Judges and the Benjamites and the one with Lot and Sodom.

    What she’s worth and what she earns are two different things. I also don’t get it, but I also understand that there isn’t an “off” switch. If you’re used to working and pushing yourself, it’s hard to slow down. And if your sense of self is tied up in your accomplishments at work, staring at your kids all day and going

    Mad Men was like that. My favorite show, I was oddly riveted the entire time as if the mysteries of the world was about to be solved, but it’s hard to rewatch because so little actually happens.

    My eldest grew out of the wiggles long ago. I decided to have my baby watch some on a particularly . . trying day. Searched for wiggles on YouTube and what the hell is this?! EMMA? A GIRL WIGGLE?! Where’s Murray? Where’s Jeff? Where’s Greg? Why is Anthony so old? What is happening?!

    I’m like a week late to the party, but this is the first sentiment that echoes mine. What was the motivation? What was the point? People are mean? It would make sense if some lord wanted to draft them into an army or something and the head guy refused. But this was just. . “What do you have? Nothing? Oh-kay...[evil

    Okay. I just read up on Karla Homolka, and that is complete hyperbole. There’s a difference between procuring and participating in abuse, rape, and murder, and defending the abuser. This isn’t to say any of the above people are up for Woman Of The Year, but it’s a false equivalency.

    Yeah. My “wisdom” was learned the hard way. In my case, I was overseeing a project that brought a manager from a department into my realm. I had to help her obtain her objectives, but in doing so, made her believe that I now worked for her, instead of with her. Despite having a heavy workload, she would harass me on a

    I love this movie so much.

    OH MY GOSH I think you secretly work for my company, only we had 50 employees. The boss never came to work. If he did, maybe for a few hours a week. The wife was the HR and the overall owner and CEO. She wouldn’t know HR if it hit her in the face, and would employ different policies for different people, depending on

    Exactly what I just did. Everyone feels good, and people remember how you made them feel, not about what you did or what you said.

    I always feel that trotting out the “I don’t get along with certain people” displays a level of childishness that never reflects well on you. Never. If there is a certain behavior that is stymieing the efficiency of the department, call out the policy, never the person.

    So true. I just gave my notice, and my boss didn’t do a formal exit interview (one of the many reasons why this place is so poorly run), but did ask why I’m leaving. Should I say, “it’s because this place has no HR, you (the boss) don’t know what anyone is doing, and you scream at everyone over inconsequential

    The only recipe of Martha’s I never liked was her recipe for Butternut Squash soup.

    I need a link for the turkey thing NOW.