
and the goofy nose! it’s hardly a Daytona if it doesn’t have nonsensical accouterments 


it’s the same loop with different things. unless you really wanted to be an alien dairy farmer for some reason i don’t think this will be any different for you

why is Nintendo so stupid about this? i don’t get it 

good article but i weep for the amount of shit you’re going to get for it 

murder and mayhem at 30 and 20 percent respectively 

seems like you should write an article about this 

the dead ones?


David, i love your wrenching posts and the annual “fix a shitpile to get to Moab” but you’re just wrong here. 

dumb license plate aside, these are awesome pics 

knowing nothing about Mr Jones beyond his job i will say this: Fuck you Mark Jones 

driving 80 or 90 down a gravel road, hit a groove and started fishtailing. i did a complete 360 and came to a stop in the middle of the road. still can’t believe i didn’t hit the ditch and die 


Not Another Teen Movie came out in 2001 and mocked the shit out of how dumb this is and was 

wow, i thought i was the only person who remembered Now and Again 

customs is a real pain the ass

every second of this is great 

you ok?

pretty neat how this very comments section proves the point that gamers as a group are incredibly bad