
I feel I need to add this book to the pile.

I am at the point that I am literally going to punch the next person that says “but they’re both just as baaaaaaaaad”

It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....

Don’t use my last name. But please do broadcast my smug, punchable face on national television!

Oh come the fuck on. Modern Family gets nominated and not Black-ish!!??? MF was good the first season or two, but it is horrible now . And Black-ish continues to just get better and better. This is ridiculous.

Black-ish deserves ALL the Emmys.

And Debbie’s nails. I wore LOTS of shiny metallic colors like that in those days.

Yes! I always felt kind of bad for her because when they fired her and replaced her with Lisa Ling (who, admittedly, was better on every single level. Lisa Ling is still in my top 5 (or maybe top 3) View hosts (Meredith is number one, obvs)), there was this palpable sense of relief from the other co-hosts that they

God help me, I just love Tracy Morgan. I can’t help it.

“Yes, I AM a lawyer!”

Also so 1997? Literally everyone’s hair.

I remember watching this and hating Debbie Matenopoulos immediately. And then slowly realizing everyone on the panel kinda hated her too.

I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?

About as classy as using twitter to air/address the dirty laundry.

Miller is claiming that his wife is delighted to welcome his son into the world and into the family? I love it how he’s using his wife and kids as a shield. Really classy, guy. Family values man, all the way.

Hopefully the baby got her chin.

I’m worried about her beautiful skin, hopefully was she wearing sunscreen? And yes, I’m no fun at the beach. I will chase you down with a floppy hat and hector you about skin cancer until you slather some on just to shut me up.

I can’t believe I’m defending Walmart in any way, shape or form, but it’s also possible a customer saw an opportunity (prob. no staff close by, or none that looked like they were paying attention) and took it.

“Omg they just don’t understand my humor...”

Some 19-year old associate who thought he was being funny is definitely being fired, if it hasn’t already happened.