
Pickle, Trump is very sensitive about the size of the white hose. Best not ask about it.

Wow. Remember when Senator Warren was censured for having the temerity to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the Senate, because she’d insulted Sessions by doing so? They could not abide that breach in decorum due to a senator.

Classy. Respectful. Just like I like my elected officials.

Bored housewife? I’ve seen better...

Particularly since 99% of it is basically rape porn.

Yeah honesty I’m so fucking tired of rape in every show and movie. Their are other ways to advance plot points, show back story, etc. I was recently reading a collection of short stories (a brand new book that came out within the last month), and one author managed to squeeze 2 separate mentions of rape into a 15 page

Wow, so part of me is super happy to know that someone is there to look out for the actors in these scenes,but I am super bummed that rape is used in film often enough for it to be necessary.

The rape scene in the 1971 version made me leave the room as well. Maybe the more recent take was trying to stay true to the original.

The Straw Dogs mentioned in the above article is the original 1971 version. Pretty sure they didn’t surprise rape scene Kate Bosworth in the 2011 version.

Maybe we could just have less rape in our tv and movies?

For me, this is something I’ve always wanted to do and I was honored to be able to do it.

She looks great.

I am so fucking disappointed that it’s for a movie and she doesn’t randomly recreate famous movie outfits just to make a coffee run.

Awesome look on her.

She looks so nice in that dress.

The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.