
Depending on your location, the GPS may work in the building as well - so you’d be able to set the reminder when you’re inside. Also, FWIW, if you’ve set up a reminder and you subsequently loose GPS (or if the signal diminishes to a point where it’s unreliable), the pedometer fallback will engage.

Thanks for checking out our app. Don’t Leave It! primarily uses GPS, but in situations where GPS weak or unavailable, the app uses Pedometer data as a fallback. As you likely have experienced, GPS can be a bit unreliable on mobile, unless the signal is consistent and strong.

I love Scannable.

At 1:56: I’m pretty sure the whole reason for an abortion is to cause 1 death per procedure.

Why’s this on lifehacker ... can you send it to jezebel ... I mean thanks, but I came here to read about bluetooth speakers ‘n shit.

It’s a Mustang, there’s always potential for news when a Mustang is on the street.

I’m going to bet you’ve never actually done this.

I think that’s called assault?

And how many times have you been punched or maced trying to perform this trick?

Didn’t they already take care of this one?

Edit: Ironically, this probably costs more than $2k.

Really? When would you use this?

Consumers have all sorts of information available to them about how to establish good credit.

What you should know is that banks and finance companies will use whichever score benefits them and makes them the most money. Subscribe to Equinox and pay $12 a month to get your scores? Try applying for a mortgage, and finding out that they claim your scores are 60 points lower and therefore you have to pay a

Your due date will be a minimum of 21 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on balance transfers, cash advances, and overdraft advances on the transaction date.


But that’s the problem - a lot of candles, essential oils, incense, perfumes, etc., drive me crazy and can induce migraines. That’s what I meant by “good” smells.