
As a millennial desensitized by modern lights and Michael Bay explosions the movie Bullitt doesn’t really do it for me.

This is a post about a tool someone has created to help optimize those donations. Considering a lot of people are donating to the ACLU right now, it is a topic worth covering at Lifehacker, and considering it’s about money, it’s fitting for Two Cents. If you have any tools you’d like to see covered that do the same,

There’s a sticker on the dash warning you not to floor it.

From the comments in the first article you linked to:

If the ACLU does not protect the rights of a conservative agitators to speak at college campuses and not condemn the actions of those who riot, then they are not worth donating to.

Justice is served!

Was there a big aftermarket scene for VW diesel cars?

Do you really have to be careful with vegetable serving sizes? I feel like most vegetables are nothing but good for you, so why not eat a lot of them if you want?

Corvette Summer Vette was wayyyy wilder (and gaudier) than that one

$250k 1980 Corvette

If by “obscure” you mean “front page”, then yeah, I could see how it could get missed.


C’mon, Lifehacker, you’re better than this.