Bland? Yeah kinda. Perfect for Wonder Woman? Hands-down. In that way, she’s a bit like Christopher Reeve - limited as hell, but in the role where it really counts, she sells it in a way even talented actors probably couldn’t.
Bland? Yeah kinda. Perfect for Wonder Woman? Hands-down. In that way, she’s a bit like Christopher Reeve - limited as hell, but in the role where it really counts, she sells it in a way even talented actors probably couldn’t.
This is also an SNL sketch with Dolly Parton. It is arguable that calling these American folk songs is correct.
If only all those gay people had better senses of humor about being used as a punchline.
I think that’s his epitaph.
But only for response to the unfair things people on the picture box say about him. Fox news should get a pass bacause they always tell the truth and are “fair and balanced”.
Those poor people, trapped on that island...
They seem him as an instrument from God sent to destroy the heathen liberals destroying their country.
The theme to Good Times was solid, even when the show disintegrated into merely a showcase of Jimmy Walker’s questionable comedic talents.
Years ago longer than most are in ages here, I was on a bus with about 30 other American tourists to Ephesus, the phenomenal ruins in Turkey. The guide was this wonderful Turkish woman who taught history at a university. Well it was a schlep to the ruins so she sang a couple of traditional Turkish folk songs and…
Newflash! Bad troll continues to be bad.
I looked up Papyrus font and apparently you can just make up fonts. That’s pretty amazing.
The Pink Power Ranger was my babysitter. *drops mic, exits comment thread to the sound of thunderous applause*
Making the movie title in Comic Sans was pretty solid.
Not until this very second, and now I’m furious
Dagblastit! I knew I should’ve looked the spelling up. :)
I know you didn’t really ask, but I love this story so I’m telling it anyway: When we sat down, my terrible date leaned over to Jacqueline Smith and said “May I just say, you’re even more beautiful in person” (yeah, he was that guy). I said “Are you hitting on her right in front of me?!” And then she cracked up. I…
The original voyage or the movie? Just trying to get clarity here.
I sat next to Jacqueline Smith at “Titanic”. I may be stretching comment relevancy here...