
Be careful not to accidentally install FB Racial Purity.

Enron has never seen Neighbors 2, but he has seen the salmon ladder it paid for.

You’re assuming an awful lot from my wanting this bitch to shut the entire fuck up.

I thought it was pretty great, though not amazing. I thought it was bit too loose in terms of theme, and it really needed something more coherent to tie the movie together and make the conflict with Pennywise more emotionally resonant. I actually think the bully kid got the most subtle and clearly defined arc.

It’s ages that I saw that one, and only want to contribute that the German title is a nice one and hardly needs translating: “Rattennest”.

Horror movies are ruined for me. I can’t be scared. My wife thought I was nuts at the end when she asked what I thought and I replied “hilarious.” Waving the dismembered arm across the river is where I nearly lost it. Most horror movies, I can see how they could scare people. I have no idea how IT could scare anyone.

I spent another delicious afternoon among the blackberries. The cost was as usual a lot of little scratches from the thorns and the guilt of having eaten what I imagine would have otherwise been dinner for a dozen birds. I suppose the birds are wondering why someone like myself who is atop the food chain is eating

I unfriended my super right-wing Christian-homeschooling sister this work as a birthday gift to myself. It was a display of my power and my pettiness. Just like God and hurricanes.

After chuckling at Urmer, the second camera is baffeling. Does he need reassurance his hairpiece is still in tact? That we aren’t using a green screen? Because he looks more serious in camera 2 instead of the notices face in camera 1? Maybe they couldnt keep the lines straight so instead of it being on camera 1 and

The point is that most people do see Jim as a picture perfect rom-com star. How many Tinder profiles say “I’m just looking for my Jim Halpert?” All of them, that’s how many. But in reality, Jim is a mediocre-at-best spouse, friend, and employee who gets by on a handsome face and an ability to avoid confrontation

Well...I’m fine with it. So there!

She still does it and does not understand why I have my butter out in a butter tray. She thinks it isn’t sanitary.

“See My Vest.”

“I jerked it to a picture of Gerardo from Rolling Stone magazine once”

Hey, you’re alright friend. bees!

Generally speaking when there’s a giant natural disaster good form is to give people a break on stuff like this, not brag on Twitter about turning them in.

Excellent score from Mancini too.

Right about now it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump was pro-hurricane.

Since my family was dirt poor, for fun we would park and watch planes couldn’t hear anything with the landing due to the scream of the jets!