
Okay, I fucking deserved that.

Is that you, Bill Simmons?

We’re not going to win the title or anything, but we sure won’t be boring this season.


Can someone photoshop Billy’s face onto Fellaini and a pic of Neymar in a PSG jersey onto the ball?

60-day DL: the clap from a Dornish prostitute, torn labrum from throwing spear, concussion from trying to remember all the additional characters and plot points.

Less impressive than Chris Bosh’s cameo:

It’s a TV show, dudes and dudettes, if you can’t read specifics about an episode and then enjoy that episode after the fact then the show obviously isn’t that good. Fortunately, GOT is good, so I’m not going to act like knowing what happens this week means a damn thing.

“why Dany didn’t, like, zigzag is beyond me”

definitely seems to be an problem Westerosi people have when dealing with bows and arrows

I am new to MMA and boxing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. It is amazing to me that these men seal their fists inside orbs of concrete and then spin around like tops inside the ring and when the concrete orbs smash against their opponent, pieces of the opponents body will just explode in a red spray of gore. But the

One of my favorite things about the video of fans reacting to the pick is the lone Packer fan laughing his ass off in the background.

This was quite a solid coke-rant. I’ll bet he didn’t pause to take a breath the entire time.

I read the whole article and giggle the whole time imagining the Scarface-esque pile of cocaine he MUST have had his face in the whole time.

Cocaine’s a hell of drug.

Al Swearengen is the fucking Picasso of cursing. This drip of tit spittle is little more than a feeble cocked vulgarian.

My brain has become a poached egg that has been poked with a fork and now the yolk is oozing out of my ears.

This is the White House communications director

Jesus, he’s like a character on Deadwood. This is literally exactly how Al Swearengen talks.

Let he who has not tried to suck his own cock cast the first stone.

On Karen flushing the dope down the toilet: “They wouldn’t have found it.”