
The minority will always have the loudest voice on the internet.

Considering that the dev team thought about this design for a good while, I don’t see why you are complaining about other people’s impressions and questions about the design. Fact is, people think about this shit for fun or for their jobs. Get over it.

Lucille is a +5 attack blunt weapon with 2D20 damage and has the bleed damage modifier.

Boba Fett is Han Solo’s half-brother!!!

Had AMC just shown who got hit with the bat at the end of the sixth season, this wouldn’t have been an issue.

First, look up the term “mother hen”. Then, look at your first comment to Rachel Fogg.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA! heheheh, HAHAHAHAHHA! Where have you been for 15 years?

This is the “American Spider” costume. ‘Merica, fuck yeah!

Saw the original video, and the joke was weak. But the guy’s friends were just supporting their friend with the weak burns.

Wow...mother hen much?

There is a 1 percent chance that Will Smith will prove to me that he can be a good Deadshot, aka Floyd Lawton.

Wow, a LGBT lead? So this character is a lesbian, a gay man and a bisexual transgender? That’s...that’s quite a feat.

Future mass shooter, right there. Glad I don’t know anyone who gets that excited about shooting objects within a video game.