Say it with me fellas, " Eat it out so that you may live it out."
Say it with me fellas, " Eat it out so that you may live it out."
I think I laughed harder at that than I should have mainly because I stopped playing Destiny last Oct and even though I have no desire to return, this mews pisses me off....for some reason...I barely played the regular strikes.
He's more Paul W.S Anderson than the Use Boll and M Night suggestions I'm seeing in the comments.
Its because in a nutshell the soundtracks for GTAVC and SA are the 80's and 90's greatest hits. GTAIV and GTAV focused more on current artists which most people don't really like the modern music industry as a whole and most of its products anymore. I like GTAV's soundtrack a lot more than IV because of the exclusive…
Bought it day one digitally because I had planned to upgrade to a PS4 withim a few months. Got up to level 20, during that journey I did a few strikes with randoms, completer about half of the "story", enjoyed the PvP side of Destiny and had a decent amount of fun. Finally hit level 20 and realized that the " real…
Trust me your not the only one. Ever since the second half of the PS3 and 360's life cycle I've become more and more of an animation lover in these cinematic games. Hell my favorite things to do in certain games were to exploit the animations so I could see them more. Like the running and swerving animations I'm…
Killzone is the only I kinda get what you mean by. Granted I only played two levels before life got in the way.
Bought Dragon Age Inquisition, Far Cry 4, GTAV(PS4), The Crew, The Wolf Among Us, Shadow of Mordor, Transistor, and a Vita. I also downloaded a lot of my PS+ backlog games for the vita....all today. I still have two weeks left of this Fall Semester and working a part time job. so life will be busy in both a bad and…
Google Tyler, the Creator
I think im the only one who thinks Bradley Cooper would make a good Nathan Drake after seeing him in The A-Team movie a while back.
AC 2 - 3 did have changes, but 3 - 4 not so much for me.
I can't star this enough for that last sentence.
My thoughts while reading your original comment, "Please let her be black, please let her be black". Then reading your reply, " OK cool". Not to undermine the harassment but thinking you were white the whole time made me raise my brow a bit.
Thats how he was for about 90% of Conviction.
Sigh.....I was really looking forward to this entry until I saw the word co-op and how its being used. Good for you all who will like it though.
I think the only advert if it even counts that I've heard Bonobo's "Kiara" in was in an Adult Swim bump.
I scrolled through the comments hoping someone had posted this already. Bless you.
I guess I'm in the minority because "Sweet Serenade", " 40 Acres", "No Regrets", and "Pain" are my favorite tracks from this album. This though is still a great track from it.
So I went through as many comments as I could and I hope this isn't a repost but im surprised I didn't see this
I've actually been playing mainly older games that are just new to me. Little bit of Saints Row IV, ACIV, and starting to play Ghosts again because I needed another quick MP game in my rotation even though I have a like/loathe relationship with that installment. Also somehow getting some RE4 and BioShock DLC time in…