
Ooops, I forgot that players are forced, at gun point, to pursue a dangerous profession that provides a ludicrous amount of money. I guess we should also bring more attention to the plight of those who wasted hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars within five years. It isn't cherry picking when the process

Four-Star Wide Receiver Recruit Chooses Soccer Over Football

I don't disagree that it wasn't the proper discussion to have at that time on that show, I'm just saying he flipped out on national television. Someone who was able to better control his emotions would've just calmed looked past that and let it go and maybe said something after the show. Mike can't do that. He is

"served well by the destruction of her husband's career"


"Not so great, huh?"

- footballs

He should have been ejected.


Why does anyone write about Tiger with anything but complete disdain? He didn't commit one affair of the heart. He's complete and utter garbage. In the realm of all outcomes one can have in life he has more God-given talent than pretty much any other athlete of his generation and it happened to be in a sport that

That's not even a Russian team. And she certainly didn't get that stick in Russia.

GOOD NEWS! Mr StephenAS mith may need to WORK from HOME very very soon! My neighbor Helen LOST her job after being stupid and cavemannish on THE TEEVEE and SHE got a job working from HOME! Click here, MrStephenAS mith, to find out how YOU can make money working from HOME! Too!

I see the American war-mongers have arrived. You realize that you'd just be bombing Ukranians who are unhappy that their government got toppled by Western-backed armed men, right? And oh, no! Welfare programs! Those damn dirty commies, buying food and housing for their poor instead of American jets!

That's the problem, it's so vague it's meaningless. "Strong response" could mean anything from a non-binding condemnatory UN resolution to literally firing cruise missiles into Russia, depending on who you're talking to.

I don't give a fuck about the pride of my nation, but I do give a fuck about you being a bigoted piece of shit.

Nobody cares about your racism and discriminatory remarks. Go away.

For a soccer fan not particularly vested in the outcome for either country, it fails to be good entertainment when there's not much of a competition.

Wow so edgy

Pope Francis is famous for his hatred of poor people and love of capitalism.

This might be the most apt use of that image I've ever seen.