That's some horseshit. He can be a fan of whatever team he wants. It's not a freaking war, it's a freaking game.
That's some horseshit. He can be a fan of whatever team he wants. It's not a freaking war, it's a freaking game.
Fan-Fucking-tastic goal. We may very well not see a better one in the whole tournament
The Netherlands tied things up with Spain just before halftime thanks to this terrific pass to and perfectly-placed…
I like how after she failed, she tried to get rid of the embarrassment, by trying to shake the ass she doesn't have.
No one in the second video yelled "WORLD STAR!!" so I can only give it a 7/10
Tara's first pitch will still be a better thrown ball than Baba Booey's.
Dijon Mustard?! Why don't you just curse God and your family while you're at it? ;)
Fuck Spongebob! When you're high as a kite, this fucker is the most annoying thing in the world!
NFL won't suspend players for drunk driving, spouse abuse, and a whole host of other illegal things but pot...POT. NFL is so fucking regressive.
This is clearly a fake.
You sure that's booze?
Damn. This makes me sad.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of cops sign up to be cops so they can rough people up and generally be bullies. This attitude certainly appeared to be on display last night. Sure, college kids are assholes, but MOST of them aren't violent and/or dangerous assholes.
Officer 1: The pepper balls aren't working! He's still standing there, doing absolutely nothing.
People were so furious they
As part Native American (25%) I would like to say fuck the Asian's. This was our land of debate. When will everyone stop taking what's ours?
It would really make a lot more sense if you hadn't cropped it, Kyle.
I give a shit. The got to march in the opening and closing ceremonies and were televised and discussed by the NBC announcers during the first night of Olympic coverage. And they didn't even bother to compete. That's outrageous.
Honorable mention, footage not available: Bob Costas eating out a Russian hooker's asshole and coming down with double pink eye.
Nothing is more attractive to a potential employer than 'My imaginary sky wizard speaks to me through the mysterious appearance of numbers and says I should walk out on this interview.'