
She needs to be more “concerned” about this...

This is not really a freedom of speech issue. I can say no hats in my business if I want. Maybe I just want my place to look classy and hatless. This game is their business and they think not having images that glorify a war fought specifically to preserve slavery and fought against America will really class up the

Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non­-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the

People who fought for the south are not veterans of the US army. They literally killed US soldiers.

Removing the flag and statues doesn’t end racism, but it stops glorifying the confederacy. Removing statues doesn’t wash away history in any way, they were put up during the Jim Crow era as a way to remind black people that they were not in charge. People can continue to be fucktards at home and in their private

What part of dildos in a black hole article do you not find relevant?

Pfft...good luck with that one. EA it seems can barely be assed to give one whole shit about Madden and FIFA. And those are the cash cows. Granted, the only sports games I care about tend to have Mario somewhere in the title, but I can sympathize with your plight re EA’s boundless indifference.

Pretty weak showing. Good thing there wasn’t an E3 or they would have been torn to shreds...

I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

I don’t think gotta catch em’ all” is gonna be a good slogan. 

You’re not wrong. You’re just an asshole. 

My only hope is that the fatty plaques growing in the arteries of Donny’s heart and brain, get just a little thicker, and pump a little harder, with the release of this book.

Shame on you for taking work away from Nintendo’s legal team, who employs their own people to search the internet and issue C&D letters. Your pro-bono tattle-tale campaign takes bread out of their kid’s mouths! For shame!

lmao says the person copying and pasting all their replies 😂 eat shit snitch

Normally I very much try to “not yuk other people’s yum”, but yeah. Natto is very yuk.

Seriously? Go lick boots somewhere else.

This should honestly result in punitive damages in the hundreds of millions. There are two ways to make governments accountable: money and power. Arrest and jail those responsible. Arrest and jail their managers. Make punitive damages so high governments cant ignore it. Take it from the police pension fund.

Melee community also raised ~$29k for BLM and related causes as well:

“Many of the foreign journalists appear confused about why cops would target reporters, something that typically only happens in strictly authoritarian countries.”

Let me propose the game we really need though Luke. Army Men: Sarge’s Return