
So many are against CC and their AI stuff and say its off topic. It shows you never watched their videos then as they said AI is part of being a visual effects artists. It’s another tool for people in the field to use. Lets face it, the hate just comes from boomer type minded people who don’t like progress.

Let’s make it PS5 exclusive too and cut out a console with +100m units, even though there’s nothing in the gameplay / world structure / graphics that seem like a massive generational leap from FF7 Remake, a game that looks and performs great on PS4. (Not like XVI even runs at a locked 60 fps with all that extra power

It has zero to do with the fact that she is black. It has to do with the obvious inconsistencies in her story, the fact that police aren’t actively looking for a kidnapped toddler, and the complete lack of any evidence this ever happened.

Can you point out Jezebel’s full-throated defense of this woman?

This is my feeling on this topic as well. Sony is just throwing a temper tantrum about this whole MS/Activision/Blizz deal. Whining and crying that they aren’t getting their way and that someone might actually pose a serious threat to their dominance in the gaming space.

people who don’t hate fun

Fuck Putin and his GOP allies here at home. They can all rot.

Oh go shovel your horseshit elsewhere.

I’m 6' and I don’t have any problem with her being fired. I can’t pretend to comprehend the cultural implications of the slang she used, but you can say “I prefer tall men” without saying “Short men aren’t humans and should have surgery to fix their defect”. Replace tall/short with any other immutable identifier about

For those who still care about them, Townscaper’s achievements took about 30 mins for the 1k. I played it with Cloud and didn’t have to download it and had a ton of fun with it for a lunch break. 

This is like the archetypal example of a game that could’ve done numbers on Game Pass, but they seem to have thrown their lot in with Sony, who frankly could not give less of a shit about this kind of mid-tier title.

I distinctly remember the comet being called Bernardinelli-Bernstain when I was a kid.

Butler’s father, Victor, asked the judge to give his son the “longest maximum sentence.”

Do you have bootstraps? Sounds like you aren't pulling on them hard enough.

The balls on their legal team for offering only $842.

Actually, Shadowrun on Xbox 360 was a blast.  

My second cousin died after being stabbed by a 18 year old girl who was half his size after an argument over another girl. He was a large guy, basketball player, if you saw him before his demise you would have thought it would take a tank to knock him over.

Gee, thanks for showing a few being tortured! You’re the best!

You seriously couldn’t find a picture of Darius the Rabbit on Google? 

Seriously. That photo is DISGUSTING.  Please change it. 

You couldn’t find a better picture than one of a lab in which they’re preparing to test things in rabbit’s eyes?  Because that’s what that is.