Pics and/or video or you’re a troll. Should be easy given that media loved him Obeezee
Pics and/or video or you’re a troll. Should be easy given that media loved him Obeezee
I know you’re a child of immigrants which is why I said, “fuck you and your ancestors”. You and your ancestors had no right to this land. Your ancestors invaded the Native Americans and almost wiped them out of existence. And guess what, no matter how much time passes, it still doesn’t make it right what your…
A) Yes
Or and I know this may sound CRAZY.....just release the kids with the parents mayhaps???
Same here, would have been the most cost-effective vending machine ever.
This is awesome, but god forbid you sleep on your stomach when your alarm goes off lol. Either your spine snaps or you get pushed out into the hallway
There is an elder clientele in Vegas overall, this isn’t Silicon Valley or a hipster coffee shop kiddo. Trust me, older folk want to deal with humans, not robots. Besides, there are no robots right now that can function even half as decently as a human right now (show me even 1, that can bellhop and drive a car, take…
Commentator was pretty bad too
That is a really awesome backstory, I wish it and May the best.
Die already...your age has passed
minimum 3 more aside from CoD
How about charging it to the credit card, ask if it was declined, they say no, throw that shit back in their face and say now I want to return it lol
I hear more a “Yelly”
I thought it was funny to see him make an ass out of himself. Simple and worth an article imo. Could the other things you mentioned be worth an article, yeah but this was too. But I digress, worth it imo. Even got you, who seems to be very high in an ivory space needle, to look down for a second and comment. Did it’s…
No way dude, you know they are going to turn it into an autonomous weapon. Seek, confirm, destroy. Overall, it will save lives and kill a few innocents in the process of working out the bugs; but I respect that they don’t want to have a hand in creating a robot killer.
lol crazy, I made it to 1:14 and couldn’t anymore.
Touche; but remember that unless they are on the same call and see everything go down as is, they probably don’t have anymore insight than any of us. So they are stuck in limbo thinking, is there more than wasn’t recorded and have to give the benefit of the doubt. But in the case of obvious wrongs that are recorded…
A bit harsh man, not every cop is bad. You are grouping all into one category and that’s not fair. Not every republican is a neo-nazi and not every liberal is a panzi that needs a blanket when insulted. Some do really want to enforce justice and would take a bullet for even a stranger in order to protect them. But I…
The Professor to this day tells the story of the random kid who would sit in on his BIOL 101 class staring at a ceiling light
The horror’s and immaturity that my brain can/will create makes me hesitant to jump into this...Downloading now