I also hope this comes to the US, and if it does, I hope they both have Japanese with English subtitles.
I also hope this comes to the US, and if it does, I hope they both have Japanese with English subtitles.
Solution is easy..
LOL Look at his eyes..lol The Japanese one has him looking upskirt...
It probably looks very impressive, but personally I find that this is an accident waiting to happen.
Nice. Maybe now I can get the others on the PS3. I hope if we get this in the US, they include Japanese voice options.
I get these ups and downs of getting into and out of video games. It's weird. Like I sometimes have to justify the actual time and money spent on gaming...
The problems are many...
I guess if Konami wants to do something, they should give us a PS3 port of the GameCube remake for MGS... The Twin Snakes one.
Wondering why V and VI haven't gotten a PSP remaster yet.
Man~ I can't wait for the TV season of good shows to get started...
This is funny.
This is why Harada-san always gets my respect, even though I'm a big Tekken fan at all considering all I have is Tekken Hybrids (PS3) and plan to get Tekken Tag 2 (PS3). Harada-san is definitely forward thinking and gamer focused instead of trying to cash in with disc locked content.
Just in time..
"Who could ask for more?" Okamiden total remake to the PS3 to match Okami HD.
I can see a Vita version being made with better frame rate..lol..I see some laggy gameplay there.
OH?! Was that Mega Man X and Zero there? Oh silly Capcom...RELEASE MEGA MAN X AS DLC CHARACTER FOR ULTIMATE MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3!!!
I'd rather use a traditional home console.
And this is why I don't care about store-specific pre-order bonuses. They all eventually get put up on PSN...
Not surprised...
Funny how the CEO of Sony wasn't informed about a hacking incident that happened in 2008. You would think that he'd at least be aware of these kinds of things before it is made public...not 3 years after it happened.