I heard mass effect is quiet the Treequal BOOOOYAAAAA first pun on kotaku! Do i have freinds now?
I heard mass effect is quiet the Treequal BOOOOYAAAAA first pun on kotaku! Do i have freinds now?
I did it with KOTR. I just kept thinking "I NEEEEEEDDD YOUUUUUUUU"
it seems to reset the lens to slightly off of the center spindle, if it starts from the farthest out it comes into the center than kind of 'bounces' back to a cm from the center, theres nothing on the tracks preventing it from staying there
Thanks for the tip, ill try that. I'd already taken it all apart and tried cleaning the lense so ill try tidying everything else up. fingers crossed
Its an original xbox 'pro' console. You can hear the drive speed up, click than slow down. it comes up with Unrecognized Disc. KoA never worked and battlefield only works after opening and closing the tray a few times.
My xbox decided that it doesnt want me to play Kingdoms of Amular, just gives me unrecognized disc errors, tried everything i can think of. It also takes 5+ tries to load Battlefield yet every other game loads just fine. Go figure i finally get a new game and it refuses to play :(
Back in the halo 2-3 days i had 3 freinds I would always play with nearly everyday one of which was a girl. The amount of crap she would get from people was just stupid. We were usually good enough to get them to shut up (that and we were experts at verbally making them shut up...) Its just so stupid how douchy some…
I was gonna post that, its my favorite christmas song EBER
I need one of those.....
That small a setup would be a PITA if you ask me, too small. I guess evaporation might be less of an issue as it seems pretty well sealed off but still...thats kinda tiny. Any other aquarists on kotaku? me and my roommate have 130 gallons between 6 tanks! Salt brackish and fresh!
Someone please make a REAL MechWarrior game....single player please. I promise ill buy 2 copies.
Its currently the featured app on the marketplace, at least on mine.
I give his beard a 6/10.
I've tried to play morrowind again and again but i just cant do it. The walk animations get me everytime. Maybe ill give it another try
The same "dull and boring" gameplay thats kepts me entertained for 300 hours in TES:IV and 100 (already) in TES: V.
My best advice for that is fleshing out the cities that border your main one with agriculture, that usually seemed to help me out! I need to get my region off of my dead PC so i can play again...
Why am I online? Because I moved to CLEVELAND. WTF CLEVELAND??? Yea I know no one here and its....Cleveland....