
WTAF?? They are claiming too much time has passed?! In this day and age they are finding the murderers of victims that were killed over 50 years ago, let alone just 25 years ago! That department is flat out LAZY and doesn’t care that this woman’s true killer has roamed free while this innocent man was OBVIOUSLY FALSELY

Kinja is seeming to be all about clickbait and advertisements anymore.

I just dont understand this guy’s (Tarrio) thinking.... Does he actually know his family heritage?? HOW could he side with Neo Nazi’s KNOWING what they WANT to do and what they HAVE done to people of his ancestry??? I’m dumbfounded by this. This is no different than a guy that KNOWINGLY grew up Jewish leading one of

People are so messed up. She won that award for giving a great performance based on the script she was given. She had no idea what was actually going on with the grifters. Honestly though, I have never seen this because I always thought it felt off. Something wasn’t right. Boom, there’s a book that’s flying off the

Ignorance breeds contempt. 

More like a budding Hitler. This guy is getting others to follow his lead on actually REWRITING history!! According to him you can not have truth in African American Studies because “It makes America look bad” and according to Nikki Haley it “Makes people hate America”. How about the truth?? The truth is these

Exactly! Where tf is the cake?? Fore these ignorant cops and charge them with abuse of authority and assault. If only there was a charge for shear ignorance!

I just did a quick search for “top 10 best school district in the U.S. 2023” and the top few searches that were actually for 2023 never mention a Florida school other that the fist one but, if you look closer, it’s an advertisement!! So, Florida lies again. They have 0 schools listed in the top 10 best districts.

We live in Florida, well we are existing at the moment. We can’t afford to move and I’m terrified of this little Hitler wannabe’s escalating control over people, education and even companies. If voters are too blind to see what’s happening now and they vote this tyrant into the Presidency, we are so screwed. I didn’t

That judge definitely needs investigated for the unprofessional behavior. But, as much as I love Tyrese, we live in a low income based apartment (because we are poor as shit) and the rent for 2 bdrms is $1130!! Living the lives these guys live (Tyrese, his ex and kids) $2000 a month is pocket change. And child support

It’s these kids! Late teens wanting to be seen as ‘hard’ and doing crazy sh*t over nothing. If we legalize personal use it gets rid of the ridiculousness from these petty middlemen with easy access to weapons and it would open a ton of jobs in many different sectors.

So, I completely understand if they just don’t have the evidence to move forward on a Federal level BUT, please tell me they will work with authorities in Baja and extradite the person in question! It looks like having them prosecute this is thee only way to get justice for this woman and her family!

You would be amazed at the crime around pot dealing. My cousins son and his friend were shot in her driveway in Jacksonville Florida over a couple ounces! I grew up a pot head and never encountered the shit that happens now over small time pot deals. Large pot deals, of course there’s crime all over it. I grew up in

Everyone, I have to apologize, I don’t know why I thought Codeine was the active ingredient in Percocet. Codeine with Acetaminophen is what’s OTC in Canada. And, when I said legalizing pot would get rid of a ton of crime, I’m talking about these gangs/groups that are robbing and killing each other over large

Sounds like Karma stepped in to make him suffer since the hospital wouldn’t. These families need to sue this hospital for failing to protect the patients. This frigging guy KILLED 7 women!! I hope he is in absolutely intolerable pain and agony every single day he has left on this earth.

This was stupid on the defendant’s parts BUT … marijuana should be legal! That will get rid of a sh*t ton of crime and Percocet are sold OTC in Canada!! WHY is it a “controlled” substance here? Oh….because they want to keep putting people in prison to keep that money machine running!

When this happened with her son, I cried! But, I also had a talk with my son. To let him know, things in life are going to hurt, but there’s nothing at all that’s worth doing this for. At that moment it may feel like it, but I promise if he’s to just talk to someone, anyone, get it out, let it go, there will be a way

I have always loved her. We are about the same age and I have admired her since 227! I thought she was the coolest and wanted to be like her. I’ve followed her since. As a mom, I pray to never have to go through what she has/is, but she is amazing still and her strength is beyond anything I can imagine. The love and

I hope and pray that these morons running together just water down their vote amounts so none of them win.

This scares the hell out of me. I live in Florida and can’t stand this moron. It’s appalling to me, the amount of people that are for him and Trump. They truly want to send us back to the 70’s.