
Yep exactly - it’s not doing anyone any favours pretending there are no differences in these two populations of people. Jezebel comments used to be a place where one could debate feminist issues like this with respect shown on both sides, now it’s just becoming the oppression Olympics where you get jumped all over for

I also find this idea that cis women are hysterical (and “snowflakes” or even TERFS) really problematic. This shit is so complex. Why are we pretending it’s not?

I wonder if these people realize how much they sound like mras.

It is categorically unreasonable to expect women to try and parse the level and sincerity of a stranger’s gender dysphoria in that kind of dangerous setting. And if you’re expecting to be automatically believed and respected whenever you say something, just because you said it, you are definitely still a guy on the

Absolutely. Men have been using them against us. But trans women are not men.

What complete and utter bullshit. A penis isn’t just a body part. Men have been using them as weapons against us for thousands of fucking years. Women have every right to feel unsafe and uncomfortable around them, especially in a setting like jail or prison.

So rape survivor are special snowflakes are we? The comments on this article are Peak Jezebel.

Actually I could have been more explicit but I was trying to avoid hurt feelings on this board given it’s a sensitive discussion. As a rape survivor, if I was locked in a cell with a person with a penis (however they choose to present) I would feel sickening fear over anything else. I chose the word discomfort as I

It’s easy to dismiss these women as ‘in a tizzy’ when we’re on the outside and are able to vote for the people making these ‘progressive’ decisions that we hope ultimately won’t affect us, if we’re unlikely to land in prison.

That’s the thing, they always just say “trans women” now, but that covers an awful lot of ground. If you’re post-op and have gone full girl, then by all means, come share my theoretical jail cell, but if you’re physically male, I don’t care what you identify as, women (including the post-op trans women) should not be

So trans identified men need to be housed seperately due to threat of rape... but these same trans identified men are a-okay gold star awesome for threatening to rape others?

What a surprise, women having to move out of their own spaces that were granted FOR A REASON, because people with penises demand it is so. Of course that always works to everyone’s best interests!

Despite what this writer would like us to think, this regulation does a good job of balancing the interests of natal women and trans women. It’s not saying that biological sex is the ONLY criteria, it’s saying that it’s the initial determinant. It goes on to say that having determined by sex, the authorities must then

I don’t see a problem with this.....what I have a problem with is them not doing the bare minimum and keeping them in an alternative housing unit. How Hard is it to understand that? gay and trans people are an easy target for sociopaths to fuck with.

Do you think its possible for you to be anymore self righteous while having absolutely zero club about the actual issues at play here ?

From the Ft Worth Star-Telegram:
“The Plaintiffs have been forced to share intimate facilities with men, who allege they are women,” the Feb. 15 complaint states. “These men openly express their sexual desire for the women inmates, at times, in the showers, and bathrooms, while women are naked or partially clothed.


I can see both sides here and while I sympathise for transwomen in this situation, it is being caused by the behaviour of natal men being violent and aggressive towards them, yet the solution is that vulnerable natal women are expected to shut up and move over despite feeling uncomfortable sharing facilities with

This is an argument for oversight in prisons so men do not get raped at all.