
now only if Skitch would release their Windows app (which was supposed to come out months ago).

I may have just found my belated birthday present to myself. Very cool.

Wow, this looks awesome. I wish I had a G1 now.

@BrettKS: Amen brother. What a useless feature this will be for the vast majority of users.

Wow...what a let down. Now I can translate also those Chinese spam emails. Awesome. How's the gDrive idea coming along?

very cool idea guys.

@downdb: now if only Grand Central could have added a "Import from CSV" months/years ago :P

Had a Grand Central account for almost 2 years now, and anxiously waiting for them to convert my account. I'm going to be using this full time for week in the next few weeks. Can't wait.

it's kinda cool to have a it scroll through the stories off on my side monitor while I'm working on the other monitor.

Wow, this looks pretty damn impressive. Now if only it was portable.

@paintbox: Yeah, "typo" would have worked as well. Yeesh!

I just use Postbox ...and mark my attachment label/filter for offline use ...viola, they all download.

Anyone else notice that offline support screws up the location of the labels sidebar and the chat sidebar? It's really annoying.

Been testing this for about a month now (before they opened it to the public) and I really like it so far. I still use the Gmail website for my day to day stuff, but for finding attachments and sending rich emails (with maps, pictures, attachments) it's awesome. I'd highly recommend giving it a try. It seems MUCH

@jordan314: what ad? I see no such thing ...check for updates :P

Palm Treo 700WX on Verzion. Hacked up pretty well (WinMo 6.1 pro on it, and added a wifi SD card too).

By the way, your link for Floola just points back at this same article

Wonder if this works on Windows 7 ... *runs off to find out*

pretty cool, now if only it could sync with Outlook and/or Windows Mobile...then I could actually ditch Remember the Milk.

@cbandes: I imagine you could. I've backed up 400GB with Carbonite and they never had a problem with that.