
It’s worth mentioning that a cable holds that advantage that... ..it’s a cable. Traffic through the air, even though encrypted, can be caught or jammed (intentional or unintentional like too much noise from other wifi signals). With cable this becomes much harder or even impossible. To expand a bit more on this,


2 Leaders off nations using a social media platform to act out scenes straight from a reality show..

That said though, What does China think if the US retaliates with Nukes. Over those distances just a few % off mark means they could hit China, or at least close enough to do indirect dmg (fall out, outposts/bases, the surrounding water bodies etc.).

I’m sorry, but how many planes did u design, how many time spent on flight physics calculations, how many gravel did u lay for the airstrip, how many terminals have u designed and built. How long did u go to pilot’s school? You have done absolutely nothing to make air travel a possibility, yet you expect full

Oil is also considered value. If all Gasoline disappeared tomorrow. The trucks that bring food each day to the supermarket won’t be there. Noone could get to work, so nothing is moving and if people don’t get food and such it will take no more than a few days for full collapse.

The difference in intelligence between us and other animals on earth is already immense. It’s easy to theorize that a different extraterrestrial species, would be unfathomable for us to comphrend, both in actions but also motivation.

Take “painting” for instance or “dancing”. These things from a survival point of view

Ye basically there’s this website. Like Uber for rides, it’s something similar but for “services” 5 bucks to paint ur face, 5 bucks to let people film things etc. This was just a service off 2 seemingly native tribes people, dancing while holding a sign. For 5 bucks it would read any text you’d want. Something unique

IQ is misunderstood. It’s a score to determine *overall* performance of one’s brain. I have done an IQ test audited by a psychiatrist and I scored very high. I can transcribe (classical) music by ear, I am good in sports and pvp computer games. I can build a fire from scratch in a forest. I also programmed

It’s not so much if it’s real, but if it’s organically real. Alien for example is off course fiction, but it’s relatively organic.

If someone gets wounded in a superhero movie, I always feel like “but the healer guy comes and saves him anyway”. It never feels as if they are really in danger.

While if someone gets hurt

Whn I grew up in the late 90's/early 2000's, me and a lot off people watched 80's music video’s. I also think a huge portion is nostalgia. People often come back in their 20's to stuff they listened/watched as a teenager

So after all this time, people finally are not afraid anymore to use their brain. I also felt as if you were trying to convince yourself u don’t need an Apple device, what a war inside u head u must have had.

Chromebooks are nice, but not comparable to an apple laptop, or any other laptop with high specs. Your