
That said though, What does China think if the US retaliates with Nukes. Over those distances just a few % off mark means they could hit China, or at least close enough to do indirect dmg (fall out, outposts/bases, the surrounding water bodies etc.).

I’m sorry, but how many planes did u design, how many time spent on flight physics calculations, how many gravel did u lay for the airstrip, how many terminals have u designed and built. How long did u go to pilot’s school? You have done absolutely nothing to make air travel a possibility, yet you expect full

Ye basically there’s this website. Like Uber for rides, it’s something similar but for “services” 5 bucks to paint ur face, 5 bucks to let people film things etc. This was just a service off 2 seemingly native tribes people, dancing while holding a sign. For 5 bucks it would read any text you’d want. Something unique