
This video, was absolutely idiotic. People linked Leafy to that video of Tommy, and Leafy had probably never seen Tommy’s channel before. Leafy has been a good guy through a lot of the YouTube drama that has happened, and revealing the horrible things that H3H3 Productions said about PyroCynical. If you watch all his

Leafy actually did do a lot to stop it, which you might know if you paid a sliver of attention to him.

H3H3 called PyroCynical a bunch of crap behind his back, and straight up lied when confronted. He really isn't the person to be listening to.

He had no idea Tommy was autistic, and he flipping feels like crap about this. If you watch his apology video and don’t think that he is genuinely sorry, you are truthfully a stubborn idiot.

The whole deal with death threats and crap, is COMPLETELY the fans’ fault. He never suggested anything like this, and certainly did not intend this. As he posts in his videos, this is all for entertainment.