Arpaio told Fox News he would accept the pardon, “because I am 100 percent not guilty.”
Arpaio told Fox News he would accept the pardon, “because I am 100 percent not guilty.”
As soon as that speech ended I wondered how long it would take for him to publicly say “Jeez.....I said Nazis were bad, what the hell more do all you damn crybabies want from me?”
I’m starting to get the feeling that maybe his statement this afternoon wasn’t exactly heartfelt, but maybe a cry for attention and approval. Maybe I’m wrong...
The Daily Stormer, the white nationalist homepage, is calling her a “fat, childless 32-year-old slut.”
Because, unlike 1861, the US military isn’t chocked full of officers and soldiers who are willing to form a confederate army.
The nazi apologists are out in full force today. I have seen countless comments today saying “both sides suck” “antifa is just as bad”.
Exceptional laziness.
A “White Lives Matter” rally is being planned at Texas A&M University for September 11th, as is a counter-protest.
Damn, that whole thread is
NK doesn’t have that many bombs - by the time the fallout hits the depopulated middle of America, it won’t do much... certainly not compared to being in an urban area hit with a bomb. Just a couple bombs could kill hundreds of thousands of people and wipe out hundreds of billions of dollars of the country’s most…
Just curious...did Trump tweet that he is “extremely proud that Don Jr. joined the Marines and volunteered to be in the first wave to invade NK” and I just missed it?
Doesn’t it behoove this orange clown to keep escalating with North Korea in a virtual game of chicken in order to get the attention off of Russia and the investigation going after his financials? I was at the gym and the TV said that Kushner was going back to the middle east to negotiate peace. The guy who’s under…
Most of us will die in the first ten minutes, most of the rest within a week or so, except for the few that will wish they had.
UK Update:
I thought General Kelly was supposed to do that (even though too well I know he’s been busy issuing orders to the ICE brownshirts to deport pastors who’ve been convicted of no crimes, and German students coming to Colorado for exchange programs, and then look the other way).