

Bojack Horseman gets it: President Stymied By Ball And Cup Game” - “White House Calls For Investigation Probing Ball and Cup Game Manufacturers” - “President Blasts ‘Fake News’ For ‘Not Reportting All The Times I Won at Ball &Cup Game’ - “White House Plans Rally Celebrating President’s Glorious Achievement In Ball

The government was on earlier saying that its response to Irma’s savaging of British Overseas Territories wasn’t that bad - because HMS Ocean which will be overseeing relief efforts has reached - Gibraltar!

Also, this:

UK Update:

+1 for jamoke.

I remember moaning to myself, ‘How the “f” did I end up here?’ ”

Wait, you didn’t call out the part where he said he’s a great civil rights activist. Or the description of his Shawshank Redemption fantasy - he even calls one of the other guys Morgan Freeman! Or the part where he says he only likes the drug dealers and not the white collar crime guys because they’re all shady con

It’s such good evidence for religion being something you do when you’re just really fucking bored.

A woman whose characteristic is “She strong” rips a door off the wall and a man immediately says, “I loosened it for you.”

Outside the regular thing I’d thought I’d share this story from the UK because it’s just layered with what the fuckery.

“we got him”

Irony is dead in trump’s America. The guy who lied at his confirmation hearing wants to employ a lie detector.

Born and raised in Illinois, political career started in Arkansas, but ended up living in New York like some elitist rich jerk. That life kind of says she has no soul. No place matters to her. They are all just stepping stones. Compare that to Obama. Obama is an elitist but at least you can tell he loves Chicago.

If I had to guess, based on time spent holding both, I’m more likely to die with my dick in my cold dead fingers.

Nope. Whatever the fuck that was is worse than the robots.

A less than subtle reference to the end of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) for you kids who don’t know your movies and only watch the “talents” on the YouTubes.

“I just want ice cream...” then you do NOT want Halo Top. It is as far from actual ice cream as you can get. IOW, this stuff is pathetically putrid.

Their base is so good, but I wish they had some simpler flavors. My grocery store only carries the flavors that have ten pounds of chips/chunks/clusters/WTF in them. I just want ice cream, not ice cream holding together piles of sugary detritus.

I hate to break it to you, but National Geographic also has articles about non-geography subjects now.