“bald cuckold ryan felton attempts to channel gawker clickbait in tired and boring article about obscure tire defects”
“bald cuckold ryan felton attempts to channel gawker clickbait in tired and boring article about obscure tire defects”
disgusting little hybrid
Why are negroes so obsessed with living with white people? Is white pussy that good? youd risk getting shot, drowning, being lynched or run over just for the off chance to rape a fat white woman. Lmao!
because even soy-cucks like yourself need to be reminded there is a life outside your faggot echo chambers. keep being a cuck though. it fits you.
dat ape be up to dem “monkeyshines!” be sure to get your soy paul!
we NEED to know if he is a clinto donor. if not, release the hounds. if he is, well let’s not be racist against him.
this video is old as shit not some kind of edit for your clickbait entertainment.. HE DID NOT GO THROUGH THE ENGINE. his flight jacked GOT CAUGHT AND KEPT HIM IN THE INTAKE. jesus fuck how dense are you to think that we are trying to convince you that he went through the fucking engine, then was only lightly injured..…
this is io9, you must hug 5 muslim women of color who are also lesbians, for the crime of comforting a white man.
this is io9, you must hug 5 muslim women of color who are also lesbians, for the crime of comforting a white man.
wait i was told fetuses were just ‘blobs of cells’
so should we put a ban on littering? force a plastic buyback?
who the fuck cares about desecelation, when white people made the ulitimate mistake of giving blacks the tools to not be below mosiquitoes on the food chain.
you do know that the cherry picked media snowflake stories do not represent the true nature of black crime, and how cops usually go into harm’s way in this failed desegregated state, just to apprehend some damn negro that won’t listen to directions, and is being shifty.
ooga booga! da fuzz is comin at me guns drawn, better play ‘monkeyshines’ and make sure my fambly gets the ghetto lottery!
if you believe that the entire DEF industry puts out less pollution than the diesels who don’t have DEF systems, you are mentally retarded.
Kylo is an ‘alt right-facist’ it would be truly poetic justice to make Kylo live through the next episode, only to lose Rey to Finn. making the alt-right’s mascot watch as his love interest is sexually dominated by an African american actor? #resistDrumpf
Kylo is an ‘alt right-facist’ it would be truly poetic justice to make Kylo live through the next episode, only to lose Rey to Finn. making the alt-right’s mascot watch as his love interest is sexually dominated by an African american actor? #resistDrumpf
Kylo is an ‘alt right-facist’ it would be truly poetic justice to make Kylo live through the next episode, only to lose Rey to Finn. making the alt-right’s mascot watch as his love interest is sexually dominated by an African american actor? #resistDrumpf
Kylo is an ‘alt right-facist’ it would be truly poetic justice to make Kylo live through the next episode, only to lose Rey to Finn. making the alt-right’s mascot watch as his love interest is sexually dominated by an African american actor? #resistDrumpf