
The will of the people is the popular vote. The electoral college is specifically spurning the will of the people by voting for Trump.

I am REALLY enjoying Pitch. Some of the plot-lines are a little over-the-top (her brother is suddenly evil?) But the way they handled the photo leak was superb. So refreshingly feminist. I wish I could go back in time, and be born Ali Larter.

Pitch is so good. But Fox has been treating it like they’d planned on it failing all along. Then they can shrug with a “Well, we tried.”

I’m gonna take this moment to be a little bitter because I cannot turn on my freaking TV or phone without seeing an promo for this show; meanwhile, Pitch, which is not Empire 2.0 and is actually pretty good and has a protagonist who is a woman of color, got practically nothing.

Because governing well takes time (and you want people to lose interest in you before you open your offshore accounts).

At least the memes will be positive...

I confess, the notion does have some appeal.

Come on don’t you want to see Diamond Joe Biden debate trump?

Love ya, Uncle Joe, but you’re 74, and will be 78 in 2020. Time for the torch to pass to a new generation. Find a good candidate and put your moral weight behind him or her.

Warren Buffett & George Soros seem cool (though I believe Soros comes from a wealthy family)

Too true. If Jesus was alive today he would probably be a billionaire as well.

Yeah, you don’t see people hating on Mark Cuban or Howard Schultz or Bill Gates for a reason.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with being a billionaire. The problem is that it’s getting harder and harder to be a billionaire without sacrificing principles and ethics.

What happened? Life. What a life she has had and continues to have.

A few years ago, we saw her live doing Wishful Drinking on Broadway. Two things about the wonderful performance: we sat in the front row and were anointed with glitter by Fisher; as we were leaving, some uptight old broad from the UES kept saying, loudly, “Oh, she was so beautiful—what happened? Why did she let

Well look, I think the guy should get the plate if he wants it, but; If his intention really is “to show the impossibility of disproving anyone’s claim to being “God”, I’d say being thwarted, even temporarily, in attempting to get the vanity plate one’s choice goes a long way toward disproving any claim to divinity

This guy sounds like a douchebag, but I support his right there have an “IM GOD” license plate. I don’t really want to empower the DMV to decide what counts as tasteful enough to allow on a license plate. So long as someone’s not asking for a slur or obscenity on their plate, I think we should let them telegraph

Donald doesn’t drink

This is my favorite part from the WSJ article: