
You people are completely deranged !
For the record, I do not agree with this mans politics in the slightest so you are way off base for a start.
Typical of what you get this day and age who make wild assumptions and accusations based on nothing.
You are the only one's with an agenda which is to kill free speech for all !

Exactly !
The networks who put out the original story about Erin Moran dying of an overdose are the ones to blame for this whole thing.
Scott Baio made a comment based on the story being put out about the overdose.
He has known her for years and more than anyone on these threads about her problems.
IMO he made the

What lies ?

Yet another eloquent response from the enlightened one's !
Thanks very much and do keep them coming because I like a laugh lol

No conspiracy just me using quotation marks to highlight a phrase or saying.
I am in no way part of any Right Wing agenda but sick and tired of the recreational grief, Outrage and virtue signalling that seems to be the norm now.

"The Looney Left" strike again !
Some of the comments on this thread about what should become of Scott Baio are sick in the extreme !
This coming from the so called Liberal minded thinking people who accuse Mr Baio of the same thing.

Typical response lol
I knew it wouldn't take long !

Why has everyone got to be offended by what someone says in this day and age ?
The man genuinely thought Erin had died of a drug overdose because he has inside knowledge of her past and was probably angry in that moment.
Blame the news networks for giving out the wrong information about how her life came to a premature

They are bang on there because the Piper & Alex Saga has become tedious and could bring the show down.
It has become a nonsense and really should have been brought to a close in Season 2 and that would have been a good place to leave that with Piper telling her to go an f**k herself after what happened in court.