
Season 3 alone atones for all the missed potential of Season 2. It's tied w/ the JLU Cadmus arc for "Best Season of a non-Japanese Animated Series"

I genuinely don't know what to make of Gurren Lagann. I *think* it's trying to simultaneously be both a satire of mecha anime and its ne plus ultra, which is a tricky needle to thread. I enjoyed watching it but I don't get what fans see in it.

I recommend reading Far Arden and The Yiddish Policeman's Union for some fictionalized Arctic awesomeness!

More of a "butterpersonality".

Let me know when we get to the part with the Glaive.

I dunno if it was the last skit of the night, but Shirtless Bible Salesmen should be on here for its sheer awesomeness.

"be it a small child or a teenager with mental retardation who’s stuck in a perpetual bunny hop" might not have quite the same ring as what you wrote, but I wouldn't call it "horribly unsightly".

"be it a small child or a teenager with mental retardation who’s stuck in a perpetual bunny hop" might not have quite the same ring as what you wrote, but I wouldn't call it "horribly unsightly".

After much googling, I think that the poster is saying he prefers male customers who own the fact they are not drinking a "real" beer (eg, orders something that is clearly not a beer (in this case, a neon-blue "alcho-pop")) to those that order beverages that at first blush could pass for beer, but are actually a mix

After much googling, I think that the poster is saying he prefers male customers who own the fact they are not drinking a "real" beer (eg, orders something that is clearly not a beer (in this case, a neon-blue "alcho-pop")) to those that order beverages that at first blush could pass for beer, but are actually a mix

Shouldn't the AVClub copy-editor have changed that to "mentally disabled"? I didn't think "retarded" was considered appropriate these days.

Shouldn't the AVClub copy-editor have changed that to "mentally disabled"? I didn't think "retarded" was considered appropriate these days.