
You seriously think that's clever don't you? You must be right in the 3D demographic.

This 3D fad is retarded. Real life isn't enough?

Yeah, that's what that broke ass town needs is a $50,000 POS statue. No wonder half the city is abandoned, the smart people seem to have gone and left the idiots in charge.

@pismosi: Nothing can fix this new shitty format. I just got a tip from another member to use ca.gizmodo.com since it's the old format. Try it out if you didn't know about it.

Sounds like you need to re-up on your meds.

WTF are you talking about dude? Couple of douche bags that work for the TSA stole money. The end. It's not like it was a couple of senators, the TSA is far from setting public policy.

This bitch is beyond stupid. Why would you pay for a tan in Florida of all places?

It would be nice if Giz could give a little context to the picture. As in where it was taken and the circumstances surrounding it. Maybe you guy's just troll Google pictures and post up random pictures to get clicks? Gawker as a whole is making it easier and easier to stop reading their sites.

"1998 purple Oldsmobile" sorry, but come on, if any car deserved to be torched this would have been it.

WTF is Bing?

Don't be silly. All the dinosaurs gave birth through immaculate conception thanks to Jesus.

LOL, everyone is crying about the "Apple tax" yet not a single company has released a decent tablet at or below the iPad.

Because that would entail logic. We all know priest have a direct line to the almighty since they have proven they are better than us.

I'll never get used the ridiculousness of organized religion. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by a group of people who believe 2 of every creature was loaded on a boat prior to a giant flood, amongst other retarded stories that make no sense.

The popups are for you to compare, all you have to do is un-check them before submitting the query and you won't get them.

+1 I agree.

@kkoch4: That would be diabolical.


Kid needs to be locked up for animal cruelty. Poor wolves.