@dracosummoner: Tis a great game, if you like RTS's. The CGI cinematics are very very impressive. Blizzard level of impressive i'd go as far as to say.
@dracosummoner: Tis a great game, if you like RTS's. The CGI cinematics are very very impressive. Blizzard level of impressive i'd go as far as to say.
As someone who loved the heck out of Halo Wars, i think linking it with kinect is a pretty terrible (and scary) idea. Was nothing wrong at all the gamepad controls.
Really, this still proves to me that the developers and PR department don't get it to me. The people that actually play Call of Duty or Battlefield for the single player portion of the game are few compared to multiplayer. Multiplayer is the driving force behind those games. They should focus on showing that first and…
I wish i had muted the sound, would have probably have been funnier.
A new year, a new CoD. At this point i fail to see why they'd bother trying to drum up "hype" with an announcement website, since the people that buy CoD games know a new one will be out each year. Might as well just keep quiet until they are actually ready to release details on it.
@Altima NEO: Agreed. And well, Sony expected Marcus to be the Kevin Butler for PSP and that just didn't happen, regardless of them saying it was a "success", which i personally don't think it was.
Second one is made of win. So funny.
@TheHeeyyy: Thats assuming its a traditional style MMO with a subscription and regular patches.
@matrixdude: Should probably actually read the news item before posting Halo hate.
@cushenstein: They gota stick to what they know - and do best. Its the same with Valve for example. All their games are FPS. All Relic's games are RTS. I don't really know to many developers that can make successful games in any genre.
Not to bad a list. I just wish people would take it for what it is, a list. It doesn't mean its correct and the placements really mean nothing other than to give them a number.
@Duuuuuuude: You are kidding right? While i might agree that Soap isn't very memorable, Captain Price has been in Infinity ward's Call of Duty games since the very first CoD (although hes a different Captain Price from the one in 4 and MW2). Most of 4's plot is completely forgetful but most people will remember the…
@ImpulseDrive: Works for me and gave me a chuckle, good stuff.
@Xenigma: I think the thing most people say having played the game is, its alright, it can even be fun at times, but it just wasn't as good as Age 2. That doesn't make it a bad game or anything, its just didn't surpass its predecessor(s).
Agreed. If this is the best they can offer to try and attract hardcore gamers to kinect, then they might as well not bother. On rails takes away a lot of the fun and freedom that make games like Gears of War fun in the first place.
@NoelVeiga: What an amazing feature it would be, if idiots like this could have their ability to send messages (or talk) taken away completely. Honestly, it surprises me they haven't actually got anything like this in place.
@GhostRaven: All online communities where users can be anonymous have complete douchebags, it isn't solely related to XBL or PSN.
I don't think XIII-2 will help SE. The first one wasn't received well, so consumers this time,will be much more careful when it comes to buying it this time. It makes sense why they'd make a -2 game, with the amount of assets they cut/left out of the first game though.
Looks awesome. Really quite beautiful little game. Hopefully one day we'll be seeing it on XBLA/PSN/Steam. I believe a small indie dev team of 3 people made this, so its probably not possible but i can dream.
@sereal: Could simply be a case of not having the time to do it himself or not minding paying the difference not to have to do it himself.