
@GhostRaven: MW2 had quite a few patch fixes.

@hazelnut1112: You assume Fable 3 PC will have mod tools? I've not heard them say anywhere it would have any.

@Dethgar: First class with Steam at least. Ba zing.

@DeadnBuried: Thats exactly how i feel about Black Ops (and i own it). It really is just the same game with new content (different weapons, new forgettable single player). They haven't even taken time to fix some of the glaring issues, like parties getting split up, which has been a problem since CoD4!

@jdlyga: Even with the few problems Black ops has in multiplayer (party splitting up, bad spawns) its still far better and more enjoyable game than MW2.

@Antiterra: I know what you mean, though i'll take it in another direction. -

Guess this finally puts the question "can a non infinity ward game do as well or better sales wise" finally to rest.

I'm more interested in whats in that little box. Streaming normally requires some hardware.

@jezzarisky: I don't think its a requirement per say, but titles with multiplayer tend to have more life in them, sell better and aren't just traded in, or is what they've noted from research. The online pass also works better for something like Battlefield Bad Company compared with Mass Effects 2 network thing.

@Jandau: Completely agree. I think Bioware as a developer have a pretty big team, but i still think they should focus on rpgs. To see them being put on the shooter wagon is a bit disheartening.

@sarcastic.angel: Really have to agree. Blur is fantastic and most importantly tons of fun. Tis a shame really it didn't do well, but then racing games in general aren't doing as well as they did in the past.

@DAMG0014: Blur was pretty damn great. If anyone dropped the ball, it was Activision for not marketing it better. As for 007 Blood stones, who didn't see a james bond game not doing well sales wise? Its not Call of Duty. Heck the only reason Goldeneye Wii is selling alright is because people know "Goldeneye" was a

Gota feel sorry for them. Blur was a fantastic fun racer. Its a shame it didn't sell well. James Bond: Blood Stones was a given sadly, i know Goldeneye on Wii right now is selling alright but all modern James Bond games have all had poor sales.

@ifandbut: PC versions of these games will always look better, thats without a doubt (as long as you have a pc capable of it of course).

@Kanji08: Totally agree. I'd rather hear it in Japanese, even if i can't understand a word of it (thats what subs take care of!).

@pancho_villa85: That mentions nothing about HD collections from third parties such as Ubisoft... MS has no interest in doing HD remakes themselves.

@tralfaz23: I think general opinion was Alan Wake was a fantastic game but with limited replay value.

@thepenguin55: Can't answer much, but i believe the player count in multiplayer is 5 on 5. Bit disappointing.

The red shirt guy is awesome. This video wasn't though. Sorry.