
@MrSnuffles: I was thinking the same actually. Its funny how they are promoting Reach by giving you stuff to buy, one thats a new dashboard theme and the rest, discounted Avatar stuff.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I'm still rocking the free ODST theme, which was actually pretty good, considering it was free an all. I'm not sure if its still up on market place or not now, but its worth looking up.

@MSUHitman: I actually agree. The original pricing for the Halo Wars DLC is nothing short of a joke, but if it was to be discounted, i might consider it, since the game was a blast to play and the new game modes are sure to be fun no doubt.

I'm still pretty annoyed Tales of Graces Wii never got released in Europe. Not surprising though, even Tales of the Abyss didn't see a Europe release and it was one of the best in the series..

@brianbeatdown: Me too. Looks so much fun. Why wouldn't they include this in the other versions of the game?

Well i doubt anyone is going to disagree with him. That is what Activision are doing here. It always comes down to the developers themselves putting a lot of work into these games with the limited time frame they have to work with.

@RockyRan: Has any of the recent CoD games even supported 4 player splitscreen? Pretty sure its limited to only 2 people?

@Cookie: Don't forget, they got to exclusively use grenade launchers to get all their kills.

Well this is all well and good, but i'm sure i'm not the only one asking myself: Why did it take them several years to get round to doing this?

Judging by what happened with the PSP game, the series story telling doesn't have the same magic as the first one did. I suspect they will be returning to PS3 at least.

All i gota say is, its easy for THQ to try and take the high ground and blame consumers, but lets step back for a second. If you walk into Gamestop and see two copies of the game you want and one is cheaper, which one are you likely to buy?

Eh, its not actually surprising most people don't have iTunes installed. I mean, if you have an iPhone or iPod then sure, but otherwise the program is complete garbage, especially on Windows.

Won't be long until Activision adopts this, then everyone else in the industry. Its disgusting, really.

@boopadoo: Not to mention, at least with Bioshock 2, the setting worked against it in my opinion. All maps felt like i was just walking through corridors all the time. What works for single player doesn't always work for multiplayer.

Please keep multiplayer out of Bioshock infinite. I think Bioshock 2 proved that multiplayer didn't really work. It felt extremely tacky and very unpolished. It tried to copy features of other popular first person shooters and failed at that too. Its only redeeming qualities, were the noval take on gametype modes

@Tofu_Survivor: Judging by all the high pitched voices on MW2 over XBL, i think you are right.

At first i thought this was going to be bad. Then i checked the video and changed my opinion. Looks awesome and i really like that its got all MWs sounds.

Always good to see a creative game from an Indie developer do well. 300,000 at $15 is pretty great. Hopefully they support it with DLC.

@Ogbert: And Steam too. Also Wiiware!