@FeatherNET [ :D ]: Wrong, happy thoughts.
@FeatherNET [ :D ]: Wrong, happy thoughts.
@Dennen: Depends on the gametype really. Big team battle games of CTF can go on for 14 or so minutes i believe, while gametypes like One bomb generally last about 8 mins, with 4 mins per round. Slayer games are naturally far far shorter and probably don't last much longer than 5 minutes i'd say. Been a month or more…
I still think i'm probably the only person that doesn't like the statue. I can't put my finger on what exactly i don't like about it. I just don't think it looks very good.
@Manly McBeeferton: To answer 1, Its Microsoft setting price points. The game was obviously set up to be an expansion pack. Somewhere along the line they decided they'd charge $60 and that was that. The game itself didn't even get a big marketing push, so it was obvious that even they didn't treat it as a big halo…
@Koda89: Would have made it look a lot nicer yeah :).
Love the look of the controller but something about the console doesn't look as good. Maybe its because they put "Reach" on the front pannel and it just kind of looks completely out of place and awkward there.
This trailer could have easily fooled me into thinking this was a trailer for a movie, rather than a game.
Probably just a mistake. It happens.
@DeadnBuried: On the up side, a month or two later and most Kinect games will probably be down to £20. I mean, its not going to bomb, but its certainly not going to set the world on fire at the price point microsoft has gone with.
@wrackune: You complain about the lack of originality but PLANTS vs Zombies seems like a pretty original idea to me, even if it is just a version of tower defense.
Well Microsofts solution is by far the worst. 3 years warranty isn't good enough, when the repair job doesn't actually fix the problem.
@boopadoo: Just need to change Darth Vaders head to Koticks.
Its a great shame, but i did see this coming. This game didn't make them any money, with the very small exception of people who *might* have bought gold subs for it.
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: A number, next to your gamertag in the lobby. So basically nothing, just a rank, kind of.
@Ritz: Which surely should be worrying, if the CEO doesn't know anything about the product hes selling. I've never actually read anything that suggests any of the above is true. I've never once seen kotick say in an interview that hes played a game.
@ninjacrusader: The thing is actually quiet, thats good enough for most people.
@RockyRan: I think the biggest problem with "those" types of people is, they don't care one way or another. They don't listen to peoples legitimat concerns over it.
The sad part of all of this is, he says "at this time", meaning they still want to do it in the future. You wouldn't say "at this time" unless you didn't plan for it to come back in the future in some shape or form. Thats disturbing.
@trunicated: Because if anything, its a sign of things to come. Facebook is bad enough when it comes to privacy but Blizzard shouldn't be trying to mirror the same problems.
While some of the whining about it is silly, there is a lot of reasons i think that make this a plain bad idea.