I'm guessing this is largely a PvE MMO because so far, it doesn't seem like there will be any class balance whatso ever for a PvP mode, with both both sides having different classes.
I'm guessing this is largely a PvE MMO because so far, it doesn't seem like there will be any class balance whatso ever for a PvP mode, with both both sides having different classes.
@Sl0th: When i think of an MMO based zombie game, i'm thinking a slice of L4D and a slice of Dead Rising, except open world, with towns and cities. Safe zones wouldn't be a tiny room but a small town, built like a make shift fortress, where all windows have bars welded to them and doors are blockaded.
@Vorbix: Somehow i don't think this will be a traditional mmo in the sense that most MMOs require a keyboard. I doubt it will be anyway.
@coreymill: Agreed.
@Mister Jack started the Save The Lombax Foundation: Also Crackdown. Alas they are exceptions.
@TRT-X: You need to view them in waypoint.
@Durandal: I'm all for multiplayer games but RTS's are the most unfriendly multiplayer games you can possibly play these days. Which is why, even though i love the genre, i always play it solo or in co-op.
@LokeSTL: You know, normally i'd agree but Dragon Age: Origins is packed with hours of content. When people say its 40 hours+ they aren't joking and its great.
Not really surprising. Mine is about to die again and i've already had it repaired once. Sometimes i'll turn my box on and it'll flash 3 red rings. I'll turn it off, wait a for minutes and turn it back on and it'll work again but its on its last legs for sure. :/
@Techno-Atom: Lol funny. :)
@wintersault: Shephard doesn't do casual clothes! #masseffect2
@WhatTheFrag: Yes its avaiable for more than one country, UK is one for example. The problem is, if you use the above link, it only links you to the US competition and therefore when you try and register it gives you an error saying "You cannot sign up for FF XIII White Promo - US because this program is not offered…
Thats pretty good, i was expecting some kind of delay that was months after the US version, which would be normal for jrpgs as of late but thankfully its the same day, which is great news. Bring on march. #finalfantasyxiii
@rich8606: I think this may be one of those cases were the PS3 version sells more. #finalfantasyxiii
@Showmeyomoves!: 2011. I'm calling it now. Europe always gets the shaft when it comes to jrpg releases. :/ #finalfantasyxiii
@henhowc: Pretty sure its up to the developer to include avatar awards. In this case, Ubisoft could let you unlock these cool costumes in Assassins Creed 2. But instead they are charging. #assassinscreedii
Regardless whether Natal succeeds or fails. Its hard to deny its an impressive piece of technology, which is what most people seem to be forgetting. #projectnatal
Well this isn't the first time Microsoft has banned consoles and it won't be the last. I find it amazing how stupid people can be to mod consoles - then knowingly sign into Xbox Live, only to register themselves in Microsofts system as "modded for pirated discs". The ban never comes instantly, so do they suddenly…
As someone who fully enjoys C&C3, Kanes Wrath and at least the single player portion of RA3, i have to say this really is bad news. Its bad news anyway for people losing their jobs but now i can't help but wonder whats going to happen to the franchise.
Final touches.... so still a good 4-5 month wait i guess. Sigh :p #finalfantasyxiii