Not at all surprising. Can't really add much else.
Not at all surprising. Can't really add much else.
@Eton: There will, in most likely hood be other updates/changes for the other classes soon enough.
@Rebochan: Agreed that no one has really gone out of the way to investigate the real deal. However, i imagine its pretty hard to when no one from all 4 sides (Nitty, MS, Rare and Activision) will say anything.
@That mop mutant from NES.: Nah, don't agree with that. The money is always there waiting. Just like a remake for FF7 is, and will be highly desired even with the original on PSN, various DS remakes of earlier titles and FFXIII not long off.
@excel_excel: Agree with the nostalgia factor but the multiplayer was really fun. I remember me and friends just playing all the time with remote mines, so much fun.
@JimmyPewtron: More than likely but at the end of the day, Nintendo, if they have any real claim at all, only have a claim to the original. Purists would love a VC version because it would be unaltered. It would still have splitscreen, up to 4 players and as most people on Wii seem to play this way, rather than…
@WhiteMage: Indeed but i doubt we will ever learn the truth behind the situation, as obviously Rare can never say anything because it would look bad for them and Nintendo and Microsoft probably won't say anything because its them blocking it from each other.
I don't get why they both can't have it on their respected services. Seems like free money for both of them. People would love the VC release because it would be unaltered and people would love the XBLA release for the added online multiplayer support.
@GeneralBattuta: I was thinking the same. Easy or Normal difficulty. I think it would be a different story on heroic or legendary.
@captain zach america: Do they? Cause there really hasn't been enough on consoles. The current ones (apart from FFXI) don't even seem like real MMOs.
@mangs: One thing i've noticed is, games are treated differently than movies in a lot of countries, purely because with a movie, you are only watching whatever is happening. With a game you are "playing" it, which somehow makes it worse. I don't totally agree with that but its something i've observed.
@SacGamer: Indeed. Hes put a lot of effort into it, and you can tell that just by watching videos of the game.
@vickissv3: Hes awesome. Not always funny, but hes certainly not obnoxious.
@MetalSonic7: A lot of Bioshock fans are getting that vibe. I myself constantly worry about the quality of Bioshock 2, especially since the multiplayer looks so tacked on and unneeded (yes i'm aware its a different team working on the multiplayer portion of the game).
@robnroll: Wish i could promote your comment, cause you sir did a great job. :)
@captain zach america: Shopto isn't a "random" shop. Its a UK online retailer.
@fastpotato: You know what to do then, move to Australia. You can have all those things.
@jesterspawn: The devices themselves aren't that big really.
@BlackIceJoe: One would hope so. Then again, they can't make surprise announcements of unannouced games if they go and list them a week before. At least thats what i hope anyway. Microsoft generally doesn't seem to have as many new titles as Sony though this generation.
@psychicfriend: Yeah, i can't imagine game development being that much fun, if any. The problem i get with his comment is, it doesn't exactly promote a healthy business. If you have a lot of developers that don't enjoy what they are doing, the quality is going to go downwards, instead of up.