
I have to say, whenever someone says "crowded genre", i always think, what? Compared to first person shooters or even racers, the amount of actual tower defence games is really small. Thats not even taking into consideration what tower defence games are available for which platforms. As far as i'm aware, right now,

@i.roboto: Lots of Alliance made Blood Elves during BC, yeah. In fact, it really wouldn't surprise me if someone took a look at the active players playing and i bet Blood Elves would come out on top for Horde, rather than the ever popular Undead.

@Benny: Yeah but in the grand scheme of things, outdoor PvP means nothing these days. Its just a gank here, gank there affair.

I find this pretty funny, as a couple of die hard Tf2 friends i know were using the idle servers to gain the unlocks. Not that they will care but i can have a good chuckle that they will be having the hats removed they got removed now.

It'll be different in that... It probably will never be as popular as WoW is today. What with a lot of cool MMOs about to hit the market (Knights of the Republic, Aion) the market has a lot of quality competition.

@xot: villain they can come up with? I guess you support trademark trolls?

I had exactly the same issues as you. Using high lvl characters doing the timed trials and constantly wondering if it was actually balance for my character (which it clearly wasn't). How on earth i was meant to clear that stage in 1 min and 20 seconds, i'll never know. Using spectre gear and high lvl clearly wasn't

Looks awesome. Though i'm still angry L4D1 did not receive the support that was promised by ValVe.

@Grauw: Remember back to the PS3 version of Bioshock, were weapons had low textures? Well they patched that too.

@Adhominem: This has pretty much always been how it works for Nintendo. People consider the Gamecube to have "fail" but the fact is, Nintendo still made profit on every unit sold, unlike Sony that originally had to sell the PS2 at a loss.

@NKato: Yes, they increased the price of the Arcade SKU from £130 back up to £160. This is just a price drop for the Elite.

@Modus_Operandi: I wouldn't say "ashamed" but its certainly a missed opportunity. That can be said really about a lot of games this generation though but Mass Effect, a lot like Fallout 3, could have had a lot of interesting DLC.

Can't wait to they make this and someone throws it through their TV set.

@DigitalHero: Exactly. They don't have to stop at 100, which is flawed thinking from Fallible, the real reason is probably more to do with the whining they get on the general WoW forums about how they want all their characters to start at lvl 55 like deathknights. Its no surprise really that Blizzard think "whats the

@Vecha: Tired of America's Solution to Health Care.: He meant you can play it alone. You don't need anyone to hold your hand while levelling, which is a great design choice. Some MMOs practically force you to have a group for every quest and it can be at times, hard to get a group.

@Shadman: Its probably more to do with the fact, a lot of WoW players bitch about levelling, even though levelling is a big part of the WoW experience. Some WoW players want all classes to be similar to DKs and just instantly start at lvl 55 or higher. You might as well just have a lower lvl cap if people are going

@Kanji08: Talk about pulling numbers out of thin air. Where exactly are you getting your figures from?

Not many people bother with the built in voice chat in WoW anyway, so not really an issue.

I don't want a Monk, i want my Paladin Blizzard!