I hate headlines like this. I hate stories like this.
I hate headlines like this. I hate stories like this.
This photo reminds me of the annual “What Did We Get Stuck in our Rectums Last Year” x rays.
Honey mustard, just like all good god fearing people do.
People say that, but those people aren’t biologiststs or doctors specializing in sex/gender. This guy brings in a large consensus of physicist and horologists to attest that low blood pressure for your age negates 20 years of existence, then maybe the scenarios are comparable.
Same. I’m lazy and mostly limit myself to pressed powder, eyeliner, and a lip crayon unless I want a more dramatic look for something.
It’s my favorite Dean Martin punk song.
I don't know, I'm now starting to think Dudley can indeed defend shit
Dear Broken and Empty,
Its a shitty situation. I had an ex girlfriend like this. Changing my phone number, quitting my job, telling her off. None of that worked.
Thank you! So many here are babying that writer. They can articulate their pain but don’t go into how much of a nightmare they were to be with. I find the entitlement to more of her time after they broke up to be a giant red flag. He’s choosing to dwell on her. She has moved on.
Okay BaE, here’s the real deal. That “story” you want? Doesn’t matter. None of it does. I’ve been there. What you’re actually feeling is a bruised ego. Thank god you used the break up to get in better shape and lose weight instead of doing anything destructive, but it’s still all about your ego. Listen to the way you…
I have been the ex in the second letter and let me tell you, the good Doc hits the nail on the head here.
Hey Broken and Empty,
Let me give you some advice from someone who’s been down this road (or at least a similar one; our situations are not quite the same): you got all the closure you’ll ever need (or that she’ll ever owe you) when she told you not to contact her.
That’s it. It’s over. Don’t be Adele showing up out of…
The BaE story makes me think there’s a lot more from the GF’s side that’s being left out. Even from his own story, he basically admits that he was horrible to live with for the past year; she has no obligation to him to give him anything or any time to fix himself, especially after she already put up with it for said…
When our country’s healthcare system can bankrupt a person for having a medical emergency, this is inevitable.
Yes! Food names for cats are the best!
I’ll bite. If the man who directly secedes the minority man who made the country great for minorities says ”make America great again,” doesn’t that imply that America wasn’t great during the 8 years that that minority man made it great for minorities? So in essence, 45 is saying “let’s go back to a time before 44,…
Counterpoint: Anime was a mistake. :P
One time I got so frustrated playing Ninja Gaiden I burned a cross on my neighbors lawn.