
Works surprisingly well on my BlackBerry Bold 9900. Very fast.

Newsflash: If you were expecting unbiased reporting about RIM from Gizmodo, you must be deathly ill. Almost anything tagged under "RIM" on this site is written as if they're getting paid to bring down the company at any cost.

I find that the 'send email as other account' feature is nice in theory, but it always shows up in Outlook as "from [main account]@gmail.com on behalf of [one of the 9 accounts]@gmail.com", which is pointless as it shows the user both your accounts and thus defeats the purpose.

I've stuck to my Bold 9000 too, and I'm thinking it might be time to do an upgrade at the end of this year when my contact expires. Looks like this phone has the same form factor as the 9000, which would be amazing if it's true.

This. Gizmodo and all the other gadget blogs love to hate on RIM these days. It's like they simply throw responsible reporting out the window and want to be hellbent on ruining RIM's reputation like Apple is paying them out or somethi—-... oooooh....

That only covers keyboard shortcuts. What I was referring to was holding down Option (or other modifiers) while clicking or dragging things. Those are not documented.

It doesn't show the IP address, so for me the iStat Pro widget is still the best way to get at this info. Otherwise, this is a neat tip. Kinda makes me want to hold down Option while clicking everything to discover new hidden features.

I'm pretty sure my first-gen Black MacBook had this on the bottom of the laptop. Let's not get carried away here. Old feature. It even exists on the side of current MacBook Pros. It's not touch sensitive, but it's a button that does the exact same thing.

I think the point they might be trying to make here is that Apple may be hiding the "true" interface from us until closer to the release. I'm sure they have some tricks up their sleeves, but I have serious doubts about this being the real interface.

That method is actually called Target mode, but it's only really useful if you want the other machine to show up as an external drive. All you really have to do is connect to the same network and the other Mac will show up in the Finder sidebar. Click on it, log in if guest access is disabled, and dump the file in

Chrome's built-in PDF viewer is terrible compared to the one OS X has built-in. When I open PDFs in Safari or Firefox, I can smoothly scroll, zoom, and instantly hit a button to save the pdf to my Downloads folder. On Chrome, it's now choppy and slow. Maybe this is a good idea for Windows, but for OS X I'd like the

How about a script to delete Thumbs.db? That equally annoying tidbit from the world of Windows? It even shows up in shared folders I have with my VM, and Windows itself doesn't let me delete them so I have to delete it from the OS X side.

Do those smartphone apps just filter the sms messages to trash? Or does it actually block the text from counting on your bill, too? I find it hard to believe it can reject the SMS before the phone has even received it (which is when it would be counted by your carrier).

@john.e.woven: This. I'm so fed up with garbage monitors with useless resolutions just because some dimwits think that 1080p is HD. I will always look for and buy 16:10 monitors.

Yeah. Garbage. They basically didn't listen to 90% of the user complaints. Go back and read the comments on the Skype Blog for the initial beta release ( [blogs.skype.com] ). If they heeded the comments on there (as well as on other sites, like Neowin) they'd know that the users were complaining about more than just

Given that this solution does not even work on Macs, then why not state the obvious way of accomplishing this for Mac users? Format the drive as HFS+ and clone your drive to it using Carbon Copy Cloner (free) and it will be set up as a bootable volume.

I've been a Mac user since 2006 and I consider myself to be an expert in OS X at this point, but my mind is still boggled that I'm still discovering new features of the OS all the time.

@Antubis is nominal: Pretty sure he's being sarcastic... Otherwise I'd be worried.

@warpwhistle: Really wish we had actual content here with the Canadian Netflix.

Am I the only one who sees a color difference between the two? Seriously. The WebP one looks less saturated. I have color profiles enabled in Firefox, btw.