
And what happens when majority of manufacturers do this??? There needs to be a set law.. 

Can’t say that this is a surprise. Actually already knew the end of production from IHS, but still expected a full size truck to continue in some form... Maybe they’ll come out with an EV version now that Ariya is coming out as the pilot for new NEXT initiative...

Sounds like you didn’t use the Installer, but downloaded the Zip version. You extracted it and launched the executable file. Of course you can’t delete or move while the file is in use! Not close, but Exit Everything, then move it wherever. This is Not specific to this software....

Been using Everything for years. You don’t need Wox.

They have digital app in this day and age and you can opt out of paper receipts. Been doing that ever since. Of course I’m not saying this is solution for non-smart phone people, but majority of smart phone users can switch. CVS should advertise and teach the elderly if need be...

So tired of butt-hurt people hating the Supra. Think of it as BMW Z10, forget about A80 Supra and consider it as a brand new car then evaluate it. All you prejudice people are really focusing on the wrong thing, just being internet trolls. Be frigging happy there are sports cars out there at 55K! Also fing stop

I think many people who consider Supra cross-shop Cayman, S; M2, CS and C8..

There is already a forum for it??

From a price point, Supra comes “fully” loaded at around $58K. You cannot buy any of the following at that price, brand new: GT350, Cayman, M2, C8 some even at base model.

First distinctions to be made is who is the audience and for what purpose.

People are in the same boat for the M/T 2020 Supra. Enough demand is very difficult to judge. You start a campaign, 1 million people say they want it. 50 of them end up buying... so this demand thing is BS and huge gamble for OE’s. My 86 is manual, Supra is auto. Haven’t missed the manual yet. Quite responsive on

Turbo engines have less compression ratio.

Not that I’m accusing Toyota, but seems these days ECU’s can identify when vehicle is on a dyno...

I’m with you there, but for one thing I’ve seen ignorant and I’m gonna go with insane people that even though they see a car coming they step into the road sometimes walking slowly, sometimes not even looking at you, makes you wanna drive over them or something. Also, when these idiots do so, obviously you want to slow

I love how everyone commenting in Jalopnik is law abiding citizen that never go above speed limits, have very high morals, use their blinkers and mirrors, never once hold their phones while driving, fascinated with high horsepower sports cars and all go to tracks over the weekends, yet somehow every post in YouTube

Big 3 has already given up the market to other OEMs or at least, - even though they have best seller trucks, suvs - the small car segment. They’re behind on hybrids, eVs. Chinese, Korean OEs are way ahead. Big 3 gave up sedans, but somehow trying to win it back with sedan eVs that no wonder doesn’t sell well. Major f

Several people are defending this same stupid tailgating idea. Perhaps you guys never drove a sedan? Tailgate or not if you’re behind an SUV or atruck or a lifted one by several feet, you still can’t see shit from a sedan...

Wow, people on the internet. Jeez. Hate is a strong word. What’s wrong with DRL’s. They look nice and are bright so you can notice the car. Low and high beams need to abide by legislations so manufacturers can’t play with them too much.

But, and not saying this is Tesla only issue, if a car is equipped with forward collision sensing system, then it should work 100% of the time regardless of where driver is looking or regardless of weather conditions... if there are “if clauses” for dependability of such a system, then it shall be specifically