
Unless things have changed, mugshots are public domain in Florida. Hell, most gas stations sell magazines that do nothing but publish them.

A guy who looks like Zangief from Street Fighter. Seriously.

Unlike Mutant Mayhem, Tales will be a 2D animated series.”

I saw a preview last night and loved every second of it. It’s so far the best movie I’ve seen in theaters this year, and there has been a lot to take in! The A is very much deserved.

It can happen. I once did jury duty with Iggy Pop in Seminole Florida.

Sort of. I hope she, like... well... some people writing things here, remember that Captain Carter isn’t the Peggy we know from the main MCU. They killed the animated What If version of her. 

I absolutely loved it and was completely engrossed and blown away by everything I was watching. My wife, on the other hand, said she thought it was boring and the disparate art styles for each character and their home dimensions made it “impossible” for her to have an emotional connection with the characters. For

Who in the world thinks they can sell a $179 water gun without a sizzle reel? I want to see people getting rekt!

I want so badly to love this game but I can’t seem to scratch the surface. It’s just so dense. It doesn’t help that I maybe have at best 3-4 hours a week to dedicate to gaming. Every time I fire it up, I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing and feel like I am making zero progress towards the cool things.

We live in the worst timeline. Instead of Ultrons or Terminators, we get AI that makes Seinfeld right wing.

My doctor is always going on about my weight (and I admittedly do have a big ol’ beer belly) and I hover between a 30-32" waist in jeans. Usually the 32's are falling off my ass unless they’re freshly washed.

He hid the gun in a bag of “Chips Aboard!” cookies. ;)